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The WHO says its large, world-wide study, of various "touted" drugs, shows Remdesvir is useless ahainst Covid-19. Likewise for hydroxychloroquine.

Petter 9 Oct 16

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Part of my job is asking clients about medications they have taken recently. I figure I've been talking to at least 10 people a day for the last 4 weeks at least, and likely more than 10 per day. Exactly two people I've talked to have taken hydroxychloroquinine, and one was for an autoimmune disorder. One took it as a Covid preventative. He said he would not take it again.

Good for him. 😍


But, but, why would Trump say otherwise???


Remdesivir is a very expensive treatment. There is evidence that hydroxychloroquine in the proper low dose, can be helpful. Not a cure but a treatment. Dexamethasone is a corticosteroid that can help reduce mortality.

Insignificant to zero according to the WHO, as opposed to Trump's touting.

@Petter WHO hasn't always been right. Trump touted it with no evidence. It has shown to be helpful in a specific low dosage. It's amazing that he didn't take it when he got sick. He didn't take Oleandrin either, that bullshit My Pillow guy was pushing.

@barjoe Also useless according to a study involving 11,000 people on the UK, as reported in the BMJ. (British Medical Journal)

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