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The wealthy and their corporations are in the process of destroying all our rights to work and have a safe sane place of employment!!!

trump and the Obstructionist republican fascists are Dismembering, Dismantling, Rolling Back all safety and workers work place rights wholesale!!!

We are being force into a Fascist Corporatize slave labor environment!!!

of-the-mountain 9 Oct 16

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Trump is a "do nothing" POS.
Even the things he claims to support NEVER get done.
He's been saying there was an Obama care replacement coming since he was sworn in.
There's no plan, just like there's no wall.
If anyone is getting anything at all done they aren't in the administration.
That's why nothing got done about COVID-19, Trump is in Washington DC to watch Fox and bitch about unfair everyone is to him, not to do his damn job.

As for labor relations, we have to organize ourselves, as we always have.
There will be nothing but opposition from this administration, but had we not allowed labor to be so compromised in the first place we would have had an additional check against the political corruption from the last six Republican administrations.
If you like poverty and unemployment then keep opposing labor unions, because no one looks out for us but us.


If it continues on this trend, we will soon be in need of a general strike to remind them what we are worth and what power we hold.

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