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Hackers Gain Access to Home Security Camera Footages, Share Over 3TB Worth Videos Online

The hacking shared these wrongly accessed videos from countries like Singapore, Canada, and Thailand on porn sites


FearlessFly 9 Oct 18

Enjoy being online again!

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Privacy breaches like these not only violate personal space but also expose individuals and families to potential risks and embarrassment. It's disheartening to hear that these wrongly accessed videos have been shared on inappropriate platforms.
In light of this incident, it's crucial for everyone to take their home security seriously. Ensuring that your security cameras and systems are well-protected against hacking attempts is paramount. If you're considering improving your home security or updating your camera system, [] can be a valuable resource. They offer trusted options to help safeguard your privacy.


The news of hackers gaining access to home security camera footage and sharing it online is deeply troubling. It's a stark reminder of the importance of securing our personal data and maintaining the privacy of our homes.


Hello, Recurve Bow! In my opinion, you need some small cameras so you can check up on everything that's going around your trailer. I would also suggest checking out cameras with online storage, so you can view the recordings regardless of where you're located. As for specific brands, I'd recommend Vivint security cameras. I have two of their cameras at my summer house in San Diego. Both are working fine and have an online storage feature. They were installed 3 years ago, and I never had any issues. Have a great day, and stay safe!

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