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Trickle down economics didnt work under Reagan, just as it doesnt work now. Just as Libertarianism doesn’t work for the same reason. It depends on the better nature of humans working to follow the tenets thatcgoes against there natural inclination toward greed. Human nature just doesnt demonstrate that this is possible.

t1nick 8 Oct 18

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Why do sooo many people still refuse to believe what economists have shown over and over and yet these nutballs believers keep hanging on to this stupid idea. Maybe, it's their way of letting the wealthy off the hook for not paying their fair share of taxes. Don't get me started on Libertarians. Anyone who claims to be atheist yet continue to sleep with christian conservatives have only shown their total lack of credibility.


Conservatism has mutated into just being pissed off about regulations even if they work, even if they're desperately needed to protect personnel, the economy, the environment. They hide behind the catchphrase "Smaller Government" yet they they're all about hiring more police, building a bigger military and injecting themselves into your home to tell you what you can and can't do in your bedroom and what a woman can and can't do with her body. I'll argue they're into the most oppressive form of huge big brother government that has ever existed. I'm sworn to oppose them until I draw my last breath.

When the country and even the world has the largest, most diverse population ever how can any sane person believe we actually need fewer regulations? People seem to walk around with blinders on. Evolution works toward more complexity and social system evolve just like everything else.


Trickle down could work if the corporations did what they were supposed to with any financial assistance or tax breaks but greed short circuits trickle down...

This is how Non-profits (and non-prophets) work (legally at least).


Perhaps we should dust off the old system, trickle up economics, where rich people had slowly amassed wealth by offering something desirable to poorer people.


The rich get richer and the poor get poorer...unless the rich are forced by legislation, to pay more in taxes, and to pay higher wages to their employees, and even then the gap still keeps growing bigger. Legislation would never have been introduced voluntarily by any capitalist governmental took the unionisation of labour and the formation of Trade Unions to force fair wage rate legislation onto the statute books. It’s a complete myth to believe in trickle-down economics benefitting anyone but the rich, who like to flaunt their luxurious lifestyles by keeping their money and spending it gratuitously on themselves and by hiring smart accountants and lawyers to find loopholes in the tax system. They often pay less tax than their cleaners and domestic staff which they actually boast about!


Is there a truly greed proof system? There's always someone in a system who has more than others. In other systems, the individuals in authority still have wealth and there are still those who have nothing. I agree with you, just wondering what is the solution.

I think if you look at the Social Democratic systems of the Scandinavian countries you will see much less differential between richest and poorest citizens. They are also extremely happy with their health, welfare, education and transport systems...Denmark, Norway and Finland coming pretty high on the world happiness indices every year.

Yes but some systems are more vulnerable to bring corrupted than others Libertarianism and trickle down economics are just two examples of this tendency towards coruptability


To my knowledge there has never been a peer reviewed paper on trickle down economics that has supported its claims. It's simply a fraud. This is why economics text books don't conver it - it simply isn't a thing.

For sure you'll find some biased articles from a right wing think tank or two singing its praises but not anything reputable. It just doesn't work except to enrich the rich and increase income inequality.


Since Reagan trickle down has been given as the best way to stimulate the economy. It has been tried at least eight times and has not worked yet. So I think it would be ok to now state that it will not work again. All this does is give more money to people and corporations who do not need it or know how to do anything but by back stock or put it into bank accounts off shore. Want to stimulate the economy get it to the people who will spend it paying their rent, buying groceries, fixing their car, or feeding their kids and paying bills, not necessarily in that order.

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