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We are THIS CLOSE to the New Age...🤲...once Joe gets in, and the expected tsunami occurs, when the Democrats take over again and the Republicans are vanquished for a decade at least, everything we dream about will come true.
My only caveat: grow the economy...yes, soak the rich (PLEASE!)...but do it with class.
That's all I ask

Storm1752 8 Oct 21

Enjoy being online again!

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I must admit ‘seeing a face,’ and trusting it’s message a joy!

Was giving that possible Tidalwave some serious thought today (while motorcycling the backroads of Appalachia).. And thought - if I were the Dem in charge - I stick it to those Repulbican Assholes like they’ve not thought possible!

Pile on that court - they’ve dared us! Back-tax those filthyrich A-holes to the point they think twice about screwing the ‘American People’ ever again! Skip tweaking the ACA -- Full on Healthcare for all! Gerrymander till our heart’s content! Bring on/ back The Fairness Doctrine! Legislate like there’s no tomorrow!

Varn Level 8 Oct 21, 2020

Create a grid. All perfect squares the length and width of our geographical boundaries.
Just make it mandatory: everybody votes, giving them no excuses. The penalty for not voting?
Okay, a healthy fine.
Election Day a national holiday!
Free balloons and ice cream!
And yes, legislate like there's no tomorrow!
Good solid fact- based common sense return to sanity. A fulfillment of the promise of the late 60s, early 70s, when all things seemed possible.


I'm trusting the Norporth Model. It has been the most accurate pole for the past 27 elections and one of the very few that showed Trump being your president in 2016.

I'm actually waiting for the great youtube videos of the democrats crying on the night of Nov. 3rd and the morning of Nov. 4th like in 2016. I still watch those videos and giggle at the beauty.

This first one is the most beautiful. I play this one on my TV on a loop periodically for background noise around the house. I've seen it 1,000 times and still laugh about it.

Please pass on your contact information so I can laugh at you when the time comes...
(I don't give a s--- about the Norporth model, whatever that is. Even a broken clock is right twice a day.)

@Storm1752 You got it! I’ve been envisioning his kind choking ..while eating their trump flags 😀 The Nation’s Awake! The R’s didn’t have a lifetime to bash Biden - and they still can’t pronounce Kamala! Game over?

They’ll oil their guns, polish their propane canisters, starve their dogs, check their traps, count their bullets, gas up their rigs -- and stand by - for The American People to sick the National Guard on their sorry asses!

@Storm1752 I can't wait.


I fear that Trump will win this election. I have no fear of a Biden presidency. He's more liberal than Obama. BHO opposed marriage equality until Biden came out for it and forced his hand. I hope Biden can pull it off, he will achieve a realistic agenda. If he has a majority in the Senate, he had to pass voting rights legislation and executive power laws to prevent this attack on our democracy in the future. He has to work on the progressive agenda after 2022 midterms. I still am worried that he will lose the election. Cautiously hopeful.

Fair enough.
First items on the agenda: reinstate the Fairness Doctrine, eliminate voter suppression, and in future elections normalize voting rights (more voting booths, online voting, mail-in voting, absentee voting, etc.). An end to gerrymandering on either side.


You sound like you are thinking the U.S. is Cuba.

Nobody should soak the rich or fund the poor. It is not the government's job. It should make sure the playing ground is leveled and rules are followed. Catch the rich or the poor when rules are broken. Pitting one class against another is what Trump has been doing.

Secondly, Biden is not doing any Tsunami just like our previous messiah Obama did nothing that we elected him for. He campaigned against Iraq war, its excesses, the wrongs of Bush and Cheney but did nothing about the lying, excesses of war, the false pretense, the millions in cash unaccounted for, the CIA agent outing, the arms twisting of small nations to vote with us for the Iraq resolution... what did Obama do? Tell me one thing that Obama did about correcting and uncovering an Iraq war wrong. He just tried to be a nice guy instead.

There will not be any Tsunami. Waters will calm. Some rules (like EPA) will be reversed but the change will be slow and subtle. Biden and Democrats will think of re-election and not losing mid-terms. Our anger is only good to vote them into power. Afterwards, we mean nothing.

The rich pay practically no taxes. They should pay their fair share. How much is open to debate.
Biden will make incremental changes in the right direction, made possible by an electoral landslide.
Gore would have never declared war on Iraq. (But I agree Obama did nothing to punish the war criminals; I can't excuse him for that, nor for doing nothing about the Arab Spring.)
However, I do not share your pessimism. I'm sensing more than you. Joe is much more an old-school liberal than Obama was and is. Barack blew it. After all that's happened, I for one doubt Joe'll let it happen again.
It'll hurt losing the Supreme Court though, I'll grant you that.

I agreed that we must be a leveled playing field, That will make the rich pay a fair tax. Punishing one class in a society is communist thinking and that's what they did in China, Russia and other countries in the '60s.

Biden will do very little changes such as reversing extreme rule change by Trump such as EPA, immigration and foreign aid, join the climate accord etc. Biden is not the leader to do what we want. He will be focused on building his legacy.

The question is will they do Democratic Reforms like these? I seriously doubt it.

  1. Prohibit appointing family in the White House
  2. Restrict who can go on foreign tours with the president
  3. Make these appointments independent of president - CIA, FBI, FCC, SEC, EC, FAA, and all inspector generals
  4. All political donations must be made public by candidate and PACs within 30 days
  5. Increase taxes to 75% on golden parachutes
  6. Put 2 term limits for all members of Congress
  7. Tighten ethics law and rules on nepotism, lobbying, campaign finance and an automatic special prosecutor appointment after sufficient evidence is submitted to the Inspector General
  8. Ban White House appointments by president of relatives and lobbyists in the administration
  9. Remove lifetime appointments of Supreme Court Judges. Make it possible to remove a judge with a 2/3 majority in Congress
  10. Take away president's privilege to pardon anyone. His pardon requests must be approved by 2/3 of Congress. Else not allowed
  11. Make anti-gun laws let alone reversing the 2nd amendment
  12. Stop all government funding to churches and religion - This will not happen.

The changes will be just on the edges. The rich are the friends of all politicians. If the rich decide, they have the power to defeat a candidate in the American democracy. Biden even does not have the power to stop the NRA.

Conclusion - The rich are not the problem. Let us focus on own leaders and see if they do the job. I am willing to bet if anyone will disappoint us first it will be our own leaders -- ONLY IF if we stop being blind to our side and lashing out at Trump just like what goes on here on this platform every day. All groups have sounding like Trump Piñata.


Prepare to be disappointed.
Yes it will be better then Trump, but honestly anyone would be.
Even Obama got a lot wrong, like more deportees then Trump even.
But it's a start, and from there we can get more progressive.
Joe is a moderate, not a Progressive, he is the start not the destination.
Enjoy your journey.

You put it exactly the right way.
But to DREAM! To have HOPE!
To even THINK our long national nightmare might be over and we can start crawling forward again toward our destination!
I'm going to enjoy my feeling of optimism. The pessimists out there can grumble in the shadows, I'm following the light!😀(Unless my expectations for Election Day are squashed...then I myself shall retreat to those same shadows and cry bitter tears of sadness and despair.
I SHALL PLUMMET from a highest ledge in North Florida I can find! (About 10 feet.)
But I expect a landslide across the board.


Brace yourself neither side ever gives everything they promise. Part of it is because both sides always have lots of people that have sold out.

But sold out to whom? Democrats to Tesla, solar energy, etc.? And yes, other interests. But to not accept that money would be tantamount to unilateral surrender. You know that.
Better to take half a loaf today and rejoin climate change talks, etc., than be schmucks and be on the outside throwing stones at the castle, so to speak.
(Not what you believe will have any bearing on the outcome...)


If you think removing Trump and replacing the republican corporatists with democrat corporatists will solve all of our nation's many problems, you're in for a rude awakening.

Expected nothing else from you


I wish I could just yawn it off like it's nothing. That's some blissful ignorance you've got there.

@RoboGraham You'd probably be disappointed by a Bernie Sanders presidency, truth be told. Just hope that Trump doesn't get re-elected or you'll see gulags in this country. That will really be disappointing.


I will be disappointed with anyone because no one is perfect and there is always room for improvement so we must push them as hard as possible no matter who is in charge.

Nobody is good, let alone being perfect.


Yup, which is why none of them should be trusted and all of them need to be criticized relentlessly.

@RoboGrahamI will be disappointed with anyone because no one is perfect and there is always room for improvement...

..yah, problem is.. we’ve seen very little pushing against the powers that be; only the soft targets.. What I see is someone continuously bitching about a nation not moving fast enough for them - thus, not only hoping the worst on that nation - but actively attempting to help make that happen.

Your continued attempt/s to sow voter apathy and frustration only feed into your oppressors game plan. If you can’t cope with reality, perhaps you should finish that glass of Republican kool aid.. Careful though -- Religion may come next 😕

@RoboGraham criticism alone never accomplished much


If you believe that arguing in favor of progressive policy is helping to make the worst happen, you're delusional. It's the only thing that will save us.


Agreed, that's only part of it.

@RoboGraham So how does constantly undermining those capable of progress cause progress? If you can’t take on the Big Boys pick on the girls?


I don't pick on anyone. I call out leaders when I see them being corrupt and dishonest, and supporting policies that are not in the interests of the people. As we all should. I don't discriminate, I'm not a partisan like you. I call it out no matter which party it comes from.

@RoboGraham Yes, and you’ve admitted it above, you’re a terminal perfectionist. Problem is, you’ve a big mouth..

We’ve drastically opposed political parties - and there’s nothing positive you can realistically do to substantially change that. Incapable of getting along, you go negative … not against the party doing the damage - but the one coming closest to your demands. How F’ed up is that?

So, those who work within the system for the most positive outcome are wrong? While those standing back sniping, tossing wrenches or trolling social sites represent purity…?

I see little from you but one-dimensional political hits on the party out of power … while the other party runs amok. When folks around here in need ask for personal advice for help with everyday, ‘real people stuff’ … you’re too busy trolling..

It may feel cool ..sitting back with a handful of boys condemning the system, pointing out it’s flaws, in essence ..washing your hands of it. In reality, it’s as weak as hiding behind a cartoon. If you don’t exercise what muscles you have taking on the Big Boys … I suppose that again leaves you going after softer targets..


If Biden and the democrats are such soft targets, why do they deserve your support?

@RoboGraham Cuz good guys finish last ~


That's odd, I wouldn't consider a man who wrote a crime bill which ruined countless minority lives, was a major influencer in starting an illegal war of aggression in Iraq, attempted to cut medicare, medicaid, and social security many times, and is known for creepy unwanted touching of women and little girls to be a "good guy".

And he's about to become president while already having been vice president so that's not exactly finishing last. That's taking advantage of a corrupt system to climb to the pinnacle of power.

@RoboGraham You’re a sad, envious troll..


Is that really all you've got? Not even an attempt to defend your candidate?

Well actually, I'm not surprised, you've always been this way. Unable to engage with substance so you throw around personal attacks. Typical.

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