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Snowden Granted Permanent Residency in Russia



FearlessFly 9 Oct 22

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Can't blame Edward Snowden for securing his immigration status.

Having read Greenwalds' book :


I'm aware that Snowden helped him install software to communicate using encryption -- unlike Assange, who only allegedly helped Manning with password(s).


@FearlessFly I believe Assange coerced Bradley Manning, while Edward Snowden acted on his own accord.

@barjoe . . . again, OPINION, NO actual evidence.

Manning contacted Assange first, Snowden contacted Greenwald first.
Where do you get the notion of coercion ?

@FearlessFly It doesn't matter who contacted who first. Assange helped Bradley Manning to crack password, which he wouldn't have been able to do on his own, Assange assisted him in the hacking of intelligence computers did Assange could publicly leaked classified information. Manning did jail time and so should Assange.

@barjoe 'assisted' or 'coerced' ?

. . . read the Wired article -- alleged.
The article also points out the indictment has other problems/issues . . .

Suppose Assange did help, isn't that what journalists do -- help exposed wrongdoing ?
Have you no concern(s) that government(s) would go-after journalists if this case were to succeed ? What would stop them ?

@FearlessFly Do you consider Russian hackers who post on social media to be journalists? So Manning was not a journalist, he was a low level military who stole government information with the help of a hacker. Manning went to prison and Obama commuted the sentence, I think because he felt sorry for her being a trans. I don't consider either of them journalists.

@barjoe . . . apples, oranges -- Wikileaks is NOT social media.

Who is claiming that 'Russian' HACKERS are journalists ? (straw man).
No one is claiming Manning is a journalist (straw man).

Plenty (most? ) journalists worry that indictment of Assange is (to say the least) a slippery slope.











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