7 11

Continued sporadic fever and continuous gut issues. Headache is iffy. Throat has had a barely there ache for three days but I can control it with hot herbal tea. Sleeping a lot. Had my first grocery delivery and I'm very pleased. My son is smoking two racks of ribs now from it. I'm hoping that my docs preventative onslaught is keeping me on the mild side. Days 7-10 will determine that and this is day 5.

Larimar 8 Oct 25

Enjoy being online again!

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I think you'll be be ok. You're taking the proper precautions. Keep it up. You'll be good😉🤗

I think so, too. Small minor complaints, but I am thinking it's related to the antivirals.


Hoping you are doing well enough to be able to do something other than just feel bad. I think I am getting better finally. Hope yours does not last.


Hang in there. Wishing you good healing.


You and your family have my concern.
I think we’re on the same crew here on agnostic.
Even if we aren’t we’re at least friendly.
There’s only a handful of people I’d wish COVID on and that’s only because their actions spread it unnecessarily.
Do get well.


Sounds like you are doing pretty good.

I thought so, too! I'm trying to keep it that way. A friend said to sleep on my stomach which isn't my favorite way but I'm trying to do that as much as possible. That's the friend that has liver and kidney damage from this bug.


Keeping it out of your chest is the important thing...sounds like you’re coping well so far. Just keep the isolating and medicating and you should hopefully be fine.


So far the symptoms sound quite uncomfortable yet survivable (and you're communicating here).
I hope you will be cautious not to expose yourself to those with Covid.
Sending you good vibes to boost your morale during this difficult time.

As much as I can. Both son and his GF who live in the house with me are tested positive. I'm remaining in my room as much as I can. Using a cooler to try to limit excursions out to only food. Immersion heater for tea. I have a half bath so I can dust up in there daily. If I'd thought of it earlier, I could've bought a mini fridge but this is working.

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