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What's the difference between republicans and democrats?

Lip Service

RoboGraham 8 Oct 29

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Fewer bombs and missiles have been used under Trump’s administration than the past four president’s four year terms.

Got any proof of that?


I always say that the diff between the major parties, in how they treat the average American peasant, is the Repubs tell you straight up that they are going to fuck you in the ass, while the Dems smile in your face and say they are on your side right before they fuck you in the ass. Also, the Dems will sometimes use a lubricant while the Repubs never do...

That's a good point.


A question for the ‘bernie bros’ and Biden-bashers contaminating this site: which viable party or administration will - or has done the most to secure our - that’s Atheists & Agnostics rights..?

I’m not talking about what should be … and am old enough to remember George McGovern.. I’m talking about what is. When as diverse a nation as ours moves at a slower speed than the intellectual elite feel it should - what should be done? Toss our votes, ridicule their ignorance, hope it all burns down … and that those with nothing end up with a bit more..?

It’s become obvious around here that the best are willing to withstand more than their weaker counterparts.. And, that they’ve wisdom to share in many other life questions... So, how, or why should they ignore or tolerate the continued immaturity, ignorance or selfishness exhibited by those who, unqualified by worldly experience, simply can?

-- If more than those hiding behind cartoons show up on my feed as a response, I’ll look, otherwise, nothing new.

Varn Level 8 Oct 29, 2020

For me, the point is not to argue that Biden is in no way better than Trump.

Of course. Postponing loss is obviously better than not postponing loss. But only postponing loss is no correction.

The point is that if we vote Biden in and then rest in our relief that Trump is gone, we have only temporarily delayed what Trump was bringing.

If we are fortunate enough to get rid of Trump this year instead of four years from now, we have changed very little if we don’t then stay actively engaged in holding Biden’s feet to the fire, and/or fighting like hell for a more progressive candidate after him.

At the level of social wedge-issues, Biden looks very progressive compared to Trump. But at the level of real political concerns, that is to say, at the level of power distribution, Biden’s record is clear. He has always defended the neoliberal corporatocracy over a true representative democracy. The establishment Democrats dribble a few socially progressive advances our way to co-opt our vote, then proceed with the status quo. Because that’s all we require of them.

To put Biden on a pedestal as something to admire, without holding him to account for his shortcomings, is potentially more dangerous than voting for Trump, because if we never push back, the rightward drift will simply resume when the next republican is elected. Democrats holding the status quo, alternating with Republicans pushing to the right, is a perfect recipe for a permanent authoritarian state, with no resistance.

Biden is better than Trump, but “better than Trump” is not now, and will never be, enough.

All the Bernie bros are asking for is to get back to Eisenhower Republicanism fercryinoutloud. Let that contaminate your mind.


Thank you for speaking sense to a chronically closed mind.

It's nice to see someone who understands the ratchet effect and how dangerous it is.

@skado Reversing, and slowing loss is what Biden and Harris will do. We’re in a very deep political pit..

Yes, by all means - don’t fall back to sleep! I also remember the Obama craze … when the lefty’s of that time were falling over themselves to elect him, and help do so. He did an amazing job of securing our first fingergrip on national healthcare … while those who’d elected him ..allowed both houses of Congress to go evil.

Before you can hold Biden’s feet to the fire ( you have trumps?), he needs to be elected! And - so do enough Senators to allow him to accomplish anything (remember Obama?). The incessant, childish, selfish, ignorant Bidenbashing is not how we stop the bleeding. In fact, it plays into evil’s plan of bolstering voter apathy and cynicism.’d think the politically astute would have figured that out by now..

‘Biden’s’ history is just that, History. He’s now made history with his VP choice, and is likely willing to support far more, as the nation both needs it and demands it.. He was VP, not P - and prior to that, one of two Senators from Delaware, those were his constituents, not the entire nation. far, just more of the same - picking away as Biden’s impurity - enough - This is not a choice or chase for perfection - this is national triage, and time to motivate - not suppress votes over the lack of purity!

...skimmed, and still no answer to: “which viable party or administration will - or has done the most to secure our - that’s Atheists & Agnostics rights..?

...only more contamination 😕 ..and look - a cartoon!


Except that Trump thinks he can fight Covid-19 with wishful thinking. Biden knows that science and reason are what is required. So this election the difference is that the lives of hundreds of thousands of Americans are at stake. That's why I am holding my nose and voting for Biden.

Biden picks and chooses the science he embraces based on political concerns.

If he was really pro-science, he'd ban fracking. But he needs that sweet sweet natural gas money to keep on rolling in.

@RoboGraham It's not clear to me at all that there is any sort of scientific consensus on banning fracking. And be that as it may, Biden understands science is real; Trump ACTUALLY THINKS covid-19 is no big deal and is exaggerated by the media to make him look bad. I'm voting for the guy who isn't living in a magical fantasy world.


Fracking causes earth quakes.

Trump is for sure worse.

I'm also voting for the guy who isn't living in a fantasy world.


The Republicans represent the Philistine (extremely stupid) faction of the Rich. The Democrats represent the libertine (pretty stupid) faction of the Rich.
In the US two-party system, no third-party candidate stands a chance. And so, like it or not, our choice is between extremely stupid, and pretty stupid. It is imperative that we cast our ballot for the pretty stupid Joe Biden, in order to topple the extremely stupid Donald J Duck! If there was a large third-party representing the Working Class, I would vote for their candidates.But such a party does not exist. Therefore, so as not to waste my vote, I must vote for pretty stupid, in preference to extremely stupid!

Such a party will never exist if people don't break out of this lesser evil voting mentality.

Most fail to either understand or admit, we’re talking about US voters.. Those incapable of acknowledging that will hasten our destruction. Some, too young to understand, or cynical to care, may cheer that on. The productive, active, nurturing, and caring of us will work within the system to change the system. Help, or no help ~


Pretty much. But don’t tell it to the Vote Blue No Matter Who crowd. It super pisses them off!

No doubt.

Most of them have me blocked at this point.

@RoboGraham nobody likes a “purist” who thinks healthcare should be a human right or all people deserve a living wage or education or to not be incarcerated for being poor or black. Go back into whatever cave you live in where human dignity can’t be compromised. You heathen.


Lol, okay Varn

...gotta ask, boys.. what’s it like belonging to nothing..? ..don’t hold your collective breaths for my attention, though … your opinions count as much as your votes 😉


No holding needed. Your attention arrives on cue every time. Like a head cold at the start of winter.

@Varn Yeah, nothing. Even when it’s framed as Socialized Medicine, more Americans support universal coverage than oppose it.

@RoboGraham Same with me, either I blocked them or they blocked me. I don't miss any of them on the boards. Not surprised that idiot asshole Varn showed up.

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