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Sean Connery has died at age 90. A good age, a good life, a great actor!

Spinliesel 9 Oct 31

Enjoy being online again!

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I am both shaken and stirred by this sad news. 😮


Always loved his work. One of my favorite Sean Connery moments came in The Untouchables. About to die from gunshots by Capone’s hit man, wheezing for breath, he gasps out the line he spoke earlier to Elliot Ness, “What are you prepared to do?!?”


He was definitely a favorite of mine through the years beginning from the first time I saw him play James Bond.


Oh, I am very sorry to hear that. He was an amazing artist during my entire life. He will be missed, but leaves behind a wonderful legacy!

Zster Level 8 Oct 31, 2020
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