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Trump told associates he intends to declare premature victory on Election Night in order to cast doubt on the integrity of the election and undermine the validity of uncounted mail-in ballots in the days after. Many states, however, won’t be done counting mail ballots by Tuesday night and it’s common for some states to take several days to finalize vote counts. Trump, nevertheless, told confidants he’ll declare victory on election night if it looks like he’s “ahead.” Speaking to reporters later, Trump first denied that he would declare victory prematurely, before confirming that he would try to shut down tabulating votes after polls close. “I think it’s a terrible thing when ballots can be collected after an election […] when states are allowed to tabulate ballots for a long period of time after the election is over […] that we can’t know the results of an election the night of the election. As soon as that election’s over, we’re going in with our lawyers.” (Axios / CNN / The Guardian / Bloomberg / New York Times)

The above is an excerpt from WTF News and cites 5 sources.

DenoPenno 9 Nov 2

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What Trump said or didn't say isn't terribly relevant. And he's certainly said tons of things to cast doubt on the electoral process, and never really committed himself to an orderly transfer of power. I certainly think it's entirely possible he will declare victory tonight, and with the Senate and the SCOTUS in his pocket, he might get away with it. Hell of an election.


unless he pays his lawyers up front he isn't going to do shit...hes broke and they know it

You must consider that this is NOT Trump's personal lawyers. It is the attorneys provided by the big corporations that want to continue saving money if Trump is re-elected. Under current law political donations are governed by a twisted idea of free speech. It means if you have more money than me you have spoken the loudest.

@DenoPenno Wall Street and the corporations have decided that the economy will be better for the country and themselves under Biden...trump has served their needs to a point but at this point he has become a liability


The links are here. There are 5 of them. I posted this exactly the way WTF News comes to me. Now let me help you. Try a search and say "Trump on Axios" That's a starter. I did this and found the exact thing this post is talking about. There is your link. Try this approach using the other listed links. While this is not journalistic you will get the needed results if you have average intelligence. Good lick.


Why would you not provide link(s) ?

What is this a term paper? The guy has to have footnotes? The story is true. Google it



@barjoe (wtf). . . WHERE is (the) WTF link of the posted excerpt ? I suspect there is no actual journalism there, just paraphrasing/(some)quotes from the actual sources.

. . . I don't use Google (directly), I use Startpage. 😛

@FearlessFly So don't believe it then. The story is widely publish from many sources. He didn't provide actual links. He didn't answer you why. It was a comment on a thread. It happens to be true. It will happen tomorrow night. Just watch. That's exactly what Trump will do and he already said it publicly.

@FearlessFly Yes, WTF paraphrases from the actual sources and you can use their links and find that source then read it again. I have no control over how WTF News posts events. Dave, you are not "honest and direct." You are mis-guided.

@DenoPenno IMO, if claims of "fake news" are to be consistently/credibly countered, credible/reliable sources matter and should routinely be presented -- WTF doesn't fit those criteria.

"you can use their links" -- NOT using WTF, and questioning less-than reliable/expecting reliable sources seems a better option to me.

@FearlessFly Very stubborn and blind huh? I clicked on "Trump on Axios" and got the link that said the same thing as what was claimed. I give up, Dave. Betcha would't even believe a Tweet either. Maybe call it a "fake Tweet." LOL

@FearlessFly It just happened. He claimed victory. He said the election is being stolen. He said he's going to ask SCOTUS to stop counting all the votes. WTF is right. It happened. Fact. Now for opinion. This is what dictators do. We are doomed. He could still win this but it is all spoiled now no matter who wins. He should've waited it out like a statesman and he may have pulled it out. He will now go down as a bad person no matter what.

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