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Ever catch yourself explaining to yourself what you meant by some thought you just had?

I find this happens fairly often with me and I have to chuckle at myself every time. I mean, if I don't already know what I mean, then I'm not in a position to explain it. If I am in a position to explain it, then I already know what I mean. Right?

Don't get me wrong. I understand the point of internal dialogue and I'm not going to stop explaining things to myself. It just strikes me as funny... and interesting how we regard the voice in our heads.

Torq 5 Apr 11

Enjoy being online again!

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In the last year or two, I've become aware of how frequently people think and speak about ideas or things without being able to explain them, yet we know what we're talking about. At least, I catch myself doing this sometimes, and it seems reasonable to thnk it's true of most people. I guess maybe we "understand" what we're talking about on a subconscious level.

Yes, that is exactly why I've posted this. I think there are many things that we do on a regular basis that no one ever talks about. Not necessarily because they are taboo, but often just because they seem inconsequential. As a result, we get the impression that we are alone in doing these things.

I find it rather enlightening to know that so many others do the same things.




I had a fight with myself that didn't end well and l am not speaking to myself at the moment.

I can understand why.

@Torq l seriously doubt that.

You underestimate yourself.


As a writer it seems I talk and write in a different language. I often find myself explaining.

Gohan Level 7 Apr 11, 2018

Do you write a lot of dialogue?

@Torq I like to write dialogue, it really lets the character shine. But, too much is a bad thing.


I know what you mean. It's kind of like clarifying the thought and the context. Also rehearsing how you would tell someone else.

Clarifying to whom, though? That's exactly what strikes me as funny about it. Heh.


Deinitely have conversations with myself, yell at tv often about Trumpty Dumpty's political corruption.

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