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A new boundary is challenging daters and potential lovers in 2020! enjoy. LOL

josephr 7 Nov 16

Enjoy being online again!

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Covin19 style birth and std controls!!!


That's why we have the Internet, so you can see my entire face.


another year before life starts to get back to a new normal


It's an exciting game of "I'll show you mine, if you show me yours!" Haha!

In my state, he'd have to take her for a walk, a swim or a meal first. Our mask mandate says we can only remove our masks when eating, drinking or exercising solo on land or in the ocean at least 6 feet from anyone not in our household. The fine for non-compliance is $5000 and/or a year in jail. That's pretty tough stuff!


Turned my profiles off, what’s the point? Sigh 😔


Isn't it Islamic?

Word Level 8 Nov 16, 2020

I was worried that some of the more religious people from work might judge me badly as my partner and I moved in together after just 5 months due to lockdown. Went for dinner with a couple of the girls and 1 said that’s nothing, I met my husband a week before we got married! Helped put it into perspective somewhat lols.


What's the point of dating? I refuse to remove my mask.

COVID-19 has been found in semen. So much for sex.

I guess I chose a good year to give up dating and sex then!

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