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It has never been a better time for us to remember why the United States Constitution, and especially the first ten amendments exist. These ten, our "Bill of Rights" exist to specifically limit the powers of Government.
The Bll of Rights exists to protect our citizens from an overreaching, tyrannical government. Exactly what we see currently developing.

The founders of this great nation understood that the purpose of our Constitution would always be to ensure that the government is our servant, not our Master. We are citizens, not subjects.
I am not aware of any legal theory that would permit the government to impose rules on us that violate our Constitution.

I believe that it is imperative that we resist this tyranny if we are to have any chance of preserving personal liberty.

dumasarok 7 Nov 23

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This fealty to the 10 ignores that the original constitution + ammendments in no way guaranteed everyone's freedom(s) from tyrannical rule or from other citizens. The constitution, as originally written, enshrined slavery and servitude into society and allowed it to dominate politics until the Civil War.


1of5 Level 8 Nov 23, 2020

Regarding legal theories, views and and theories change.

If you can find a copy of Supreme Court for Dummies, look at Chapter 18 on The Court’s Worst Decisions. Or try a web search.


The original purpose of the US constitution was to protect the wealthy white land owners!!!

Women, non property owning men, indenture servants, and slaves were not allowed to vote period or afforded the same protections!!!

The “Bill of Rights” was enacted to protect the wealthy land owners, not to protect the citizens of this country, at the time of the enactment of the US Constitution!!!

We must stop these false narrative about just who was protected by US Constitution at it’s inception!!!


But all laws and all rights are not all encompassing. There are limits on the part of the government.and responsibilities on the part of the citizenry.

IMO you are correct that the present Administration is acting tyrranically and not in good faith. The occupier of the office has no concern for either the office or the Constitution. The same can be applied to the Party he represents.

Likewise, the citizenry need to step up and accept their responsibility. All of the Bills of Rights and Amendments have responsibilities. One cannot proclaim it is my right, just because it suits my mood or is an inconvenience.

The Supreme Court ruled in 1906 that the mandate of practices that are aimed at curtailing and stopping a health crisis (i.e. mask wearing) is not an infringement of First Amendment personal rights. The hue and cry. "My body, my right to chose" does not apply in a health crisis. Just like yelling, FIRE" in a crowded theater is not legal and protected.

Regardless of what the ridiculous "Originalists" claim, the Constitution is a living document. What the world looked like in 1776 is not what the world looks like now. The Constitution has gone through numerous, interpretations as society changed. As it should. There is no way the founders could have envisioned the complexity being witnessed in today's society. Thus, the original intent and interpretation, while a solid foundation for evaluating applications todays, it can in no way be an all encompassing limiting factor. Decisions need to be evaluated in context of now, not solely the context of a time long past and no longer relevant.

Well said


Thank you.


Congratulations on a most deceptive post!

Referencing government tyranny without specifying what current government action or inaction you are referring to (i.e. masking v. the attempt to topple democracy) allows you to appear to appeal to both sides.

Have you ever considered just being honest and seeing if that works?


There's a reason why the Constitution of the United States can be amended, so it can adapt over time to the needs of our society. People keep talking about the original intent of the authors, but they're dead, and we're the ones that have to live with this Constitution.
I hear people talk about mask mandates as if that's tyranny.
That's selfish and childish, and cost the lives of our fellow citizens.
The closest thing to tyranny that affects everyone in over 200 years is sitting in the Oval Office.
We've had plenty of tyranny for every minority that exist though, but you might not know about that if you're a Christian white male heterosexual Republican.

This photo is from California in 1918, when people weren't mesmerized by a would be tyrant.

Imagine how much of a louse one must be when even a Republican government isn't conservative enough for you!

@LovinLarge You flatter me, LOL

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