7 3

Obviously planted by aliens ... or as a sign by heavenly angels.
I wonder what the mundane reason is?

Petter 9 Nov 24

Enjoy being online again!

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The mystery deepens. It's 3 sheets of stainless steel, rivetted together, and hollow inside.



What is it made of? If it is something from Earth then I did not put it there. Honest. I only use metals we know nothing about, that way everyone knows they are Alien.



This may be related? There's been more than that one metal thing found.

The monolith appears to be firmly planted

@Petter As something falling from orbit would just has to land right

@Larimar The shock of that would create a crater.



wow, look, NO crater

@Larimar Did you see the word parachute? And did you note it lay on the surface in its entirety?

@Petter and if that thing is part of this satellite, it could not have as much force to leave a crater.

@Larimar It isn't.


This was not on my 2020 bingo card

Ohub Level 7 Nov 24, 2020

Since it's in the Utah desert, I blame them durned more-men folk.


Why is it called a monolith? I think it is some sort of reflector and whatever it was used for is likely to be found right here on Earth. In checking it out I would also go into the backgrounds of the helicopter crew in case they planted it, etc.


Wow, what a mystery.

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