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A friend of mine was in touch by phone this morning. He says he just got over COVID and was down about 2 weeks with it. His wife got it too but the kids were clear of it. Health professionals tell him he will likely have about 90 days immunity now, then he could get it again. This was not a pleasant experience for him but it was handled all at home and no hospital stay involved. He's about 50 years old. He was told there is no immunity to this coronavirus as far as the professionals can tell.

DenoPenno 9 Nov 30

Enjoy being online again!

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Thanks for sharing. I'm glad he is doing okay now. May all future cases be as mild.


There is some immunity, for how long we don't know. After symptoms subside the patient can still be infectious and spread the virus to others. Have to test negative for a week to be sure the patient can't spread the virus to others.

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