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Unfortunate state of affairs today

bobwjr 10 Dec 9

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🌌➿❗ yeah- someone at work" I don't want to grow another nose or something "
My reply ? The doctors ; nurses ; and anybody with A brain uses ( and HAS used any available proven protection through DATA ) the tools available!!!!! They vaccinate thier kids😌
Hey they are going to drag the turn around time - let's TAX THE SHIT OUT OF THEM ...
They consider themselves " UNTOUCHABLE " - IMMORTAL,,,, yeah right . Just like being great , what's the point if the REST OF HUMANITY is in the dump--wrong headed--
They like photos of "stealth bombers" ; tRump started building LAND MINES - removing US from international WAR TREATIES- yeah>great at WHAT ❔❓?.


Yeah, this is one of those sad/funny memes, I'll share with my friends who are nurses.


This is great... and true.

@decki1 Who the fuck said anything about natural?

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