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This made me happy. Like most kids I did have goldfish when I was little.

silverotter11 9 Dec 9

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Nymphenburg Palace on the edge of Munich had a tiny moat all around it filled with "goldfish" Some of them were pretty large. I visited there in 1970 summer.


They are a form of carp so yeah it can happen


I had gold fish as a child and I always killed him by overfeeding them according to my mother.


Had to investigate further and the fish was returned to the lake.


I had a koi pond. Snowy egrets got all of mine.


i really hate to see a fish trying to exist in a little tiny bowl, so this made me happy too. The one that got away 🙂


I knew someone that set up a koi pond in Birmingham Alabama, they lasted about a month before the raccoons ate them all. I mean they did try to save them, they put a wire mesh called carpenter cloth over the pond, but the raccoons just dug under it one night and enjoyed their last koi supper.
$3,500 worth of fish, turned to raccoon skat.

That's too bad. A koi pond is one of the features I would love if I still had an interest in home ownership. The native critters are very adaptive.

@silverotter11 In Japan there was a cartoon about a boy and his pet raccoon that was very popular. So popular in fact that kids all over Japan wanted their own pet raccoons which aren't native. So Americans started sending over young raccoons to fill the want for big $$.
What the Japanese soon learned was that cute little raccoons have viscous bites and these "cute" creatures are little ass holes. So they discovered they needed to abandon the animals somewhere.
In the final story in the cartoon series the kid left his raccoon at a temple, it was a sad moment. So suddenly thousands of raccoons started showing up in Japanese temples for real.
Koi were seriously threatened. New laws about bringing non native animals to Japan were legislated.
I don't know how the story of the raccoon invasion of Japan ends, but after Australia's experience with cute bunny rabbits one would think every nation would know better than to allow this kind of biological contamination.

@Willow_Wisp FUCK!!!!! The raising of Koi is an honored tradition and Koi are highly prized. Hawaii has strict import laws to keep invasive species out. We have some here in WA State. That said I say kill the racoons in Japan and protect the Koi.

@Willow_Wisp Thank you. People really need to question the importation of non-native species. People here who build Koi ponds also have this problem.



Yes they are in the carp family. Bottom feeders. Koi They became very popular in areas where Asian culture became popular.


They get bigger than that. I think they're in the carp family. Carp get huge.

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