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Senator Feinstein is no longer fit to serve.

This is why we need term limits.

RoboGraham 8 Dec 10

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What a waste of time that was..

Elected officials who are in cognitive decline are wasting our time.


I don't agree that term limits are the answer. Rotating chairmanships might be a good idea. But age by itself is not the issue or the problem. Biden is just as out of touch as Feinstein, and, in my opinion, also has dementia, as does Feinstein. At the same time, Bernie is just as mentally sharp as most people twenty years younger than him. I had to push my late wife to give up driving and quit working after she developed dementia, and it's not easy. But the party leaders and her loved ones need to step up and do the right thing for her, the party, and the country. I wish Biden hadn't been pushed into running and I hope he steps down soon into his administration after Covid and the economy have settled down, before he starts embarrassing himself with his dementia like he was during the primary. I don't know what meds they have him on now to help him function better, but I doubt they will keep working that well for 4 years.

I don't think age is necessarily a problem but I would like to see term limits just so that we don't keep ending up with these entrenched professional politicians who are only concerned with holding onto power rather than leading. If you know you only have a limited amount of time in your position, you'll make use of it rather than spending most of your effort and political capital fund raising for the next election.

It's pretty scary that we have leaders who are clearly in cognitive descent and yet they remain in positions of very high power, just because of seniority. Merit is so much more important than how long you've been there.


This guy is a Green Party CANADIAN. His source could be somebody the Senator fired, but why not just stomp all over her instead?

What does his party and nationality matter?

Is what he says wrong? Did she not ask the same question twice? Did she not hug Lindsey Graham? Lindsey Flippin Graham

@RoboGraham ohferpetessake, "she hugged Graham"? Whom she has known for how many decades? And she might have Hearing of course never asked the same thing twice, right?


I don't hug political enemies who aid in the crimes of the worst president we've ever had.

@RoboGraham I've volunteered for Democrats in six national campaigns and never failed to vote. That being said I have a couple of very dear friends who voted for Jo Jorgenson. I consider that to have been a vote for Agent Goldfinger yet I would, and will, hug them when/if we are together. She is of the old collegial school so I don't find that hug a betrayal of Democratic principle. She doesn't agree with Graham on much and we know that. She has never been the strongest Democrat, though, and I'm happy to see her time has come. Thanks for the service but...NEXT!


Lindsey brings shame upon the Graham Clan. Even though he is a distant relative of mine and even if I had known him all my life, I would never hug that weasel, Especially during a pandemic. I wouldn't even shake his dirty republican hand.

I'll be very happy to see Feinstein go. It's about damn time. Too many elderly people in leadership, lost in a bygone era. We need fresh blood and new ideas.

@RoboGraham Well goody for you. Such purism is hard to find these days. Tao instructs me to not judge anyone until I have achieved Nirvana and then I won't want to. I think that's a pretty good pill to swallow but you enjoy the anger. I'll simply thank her for the service and hope the next Senator is more of the San Franciscan progressive attitude. Gavin and Pelosi don't seem to be doing so well, either, so SF may not be as great a place as we thought.


Has anyone ever reached nirvana?

I think, if you haven't yet reached nirvana, and you're not angry, you must not be paying much attention.

I don't think SF has been a very good place for progressives for a while now. From what I hear, it's dominated by big tech corporations and it's too expensive for commoners to even live there. So it's full of latte sipping liberals who vote for Pelosi because they are just as out of touch as she is.


Why because she is old? What about Bernie? We need to get rid of gerrymandering in the house of representatives, every two years wouldn't be a rubber stamp that way. I think the Senate should be redone. Some states should get one senator, some states should get 4. They should have 2 term limit. She may be getting old. I don't think she had Alzheimer's. I've worked with Alzheimer's patients,

Not because she's old, because she is losing her short term memory and it is embarrassing and worrying. If Bernie, or anyone else, was having a similar problem then they would need to go too.

I don't know what she has but she's agreed to relinquish her leadership positions so clearly there is a problem of some sort.

@RoboGraham IF true, probably a med combo problem, and instead of stomping on her get her some Competent doctors. On the other hand, source? She, oh, i dunno, fired an incompetent staffer & they are revenge-filled?


Do you have proof of that?

She receives the best Healthcare the world has to offer.

It's not just some staffer that is sounding the alarm on this. There is a reason why she has lost her leadership position.

@RoboGraham you ask me to provide proof whereas you have none, at all, and yet posted this smear.......brass-plated, are they?

@AnneWimsey It's probably time for her, that doesn't mean there should be term limits or mandatory retirement. Our president will be 80 in 2022. I'll take him.


That's why I put up the video. He explains it in his segment.

There's clearly something wrong with her. If you want to claim it's an issue with her medication, okay, prove it.

@RoboGraham @AnneWimsey

Like you said, she gets the best healthcare in the world. There has been something wrong with her for at least a few months now. If it were a medication issue, it would be straightened out. If it can't be straightened out, which it seems like it can't because it's continuing, then she needs to go.

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