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In 23andMe, I share the common H7 maternal haplogroup with the likes of MarieAntionette. (Hey, @Jasen - maybe that's why that guillotine photo spooked me lol). Anyway, my fun question of the day is: anybody heard of ANYONE sharing a Haplogroup with JESUS?!? I mean, between 23and me,, and other services (especially the mormon ancestry service lol) has there been ANY links? (Yes, I'm being facitious.) Just sayin . . .

Wisterious 7 Dec 26

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Somehow I bet they will never find a descendant of Judas...


I did mine with the national geographic Geo project long time ago it appears that I'm related to a number of people including Marie Antoinette, Nicola tesla, copernicus, Abraham Lincoln, Brian, but you have to go back a number of years like 8,000.


I turned water into coffee earlier today. Water, coffee grounds, and presto!

It’s a miracle, worship the holy pot! 😂


Jesus's paternal haplogroup is unkown.


You are expecting too much truth here.



23andme is a business more than a scientific organization. I did the DNA test and they have been wrong on many things.

First they roll out a long questionnaire to collect a lot of information from you that includes much information such as your origin, your parents, grandparents, your preconditions, family diseases etc. This is a big suspect.

First they told me I had European origins, then they changed to Central Asian, now they are sure it is South Asian which I knew when as young as 5. To date, they have not told me anything I did not know.

I did my daughter's 14 years ago with National Geographic and they said her haplogroup was the same as Thomas Jefferson and some in Europe. And my wife was all and all as South Asian as one could be. Lol.... I was just happy it wasn't Chegiz Khan's. is just a database created from public records. Nothing scientific. Every result is a closest record.

I think nothing comes out from these searches better than knowing who you are today in this time, in this stage of life and in this society. Many people want a pride (false) of belonging to a place, personalities, names, links of history etc. What and who we are today is what really matters.

However, I would like to see young people matching DNA to avoid hereditary diseases and predispositions to others. That would be a very good use.


They should DNA type some relics, If Jesus had a Y chromosome, it would have to have come from his father and anyone else who had it would have been another bastard child or god's grandson


Yeah, I'm his many greats niece. I turn water into tea. Bit very exciting, but my miracles are not pretty miraculous.

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