5 13

You can’t make this stuff up.

Dhiltong 8 Jan 8

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More fake news???

More altered facts!!!

Those fascists death cult obstructionist can not handle the truth!!!


One fatally shot by police.
One died of heart failure, after shooting himself in the cojones, with a taser.
One is trampled to death under her own 'Dont Tread on Me' flag.
Anyone know what the fourth Trumpy Trooper died from?

Most likely from suffocation with their head stuck so far up their own ass.


MAGA is a training tool. Since love and hate are both strong emotions people had to be convinced that they all hate the same things. In other circles you can look at this as white supremacy.


Poor woman...she would never think anyone would take those words to relate to her literally. Oh..the irony!


Believers live in a "world of opposites", that is why they believe contary to evidence, and why it was so very easy for Trump to use them for his purposes.

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