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Do certain things, such as music or art, overwhelm you enough to make you cry?

They certainly do with me.
Things that can make me start sobbing, or at least get tears in my eyes:

1.opera music

2.great art works..especially Van Gogh and Rembrandt

3.beautiful birds and horses


5.child prodigies in dance and music

birdingnut 8 Apr 13

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All of those and more! Vive la vie!

Domal Level 4 May 17, 2018

children prodigy or not will always get me to tear up........but really i will cry over any really moving music.....


No. The only thing it does to me is make me want to slap something or someone. It makes me very irritable if I listen to it too long.


Yes. all the time. Music, memories, thoughts.. I have to wonder, why do you ask? Surely you must know that all people are emotionaly moved by something?

@Loud_Love I think men respond this way to artistic beauty more than women do; studies show that most male traits are on the right hemisphere of the brain- the side that appreciates art and music, but doesn't "talk," as the left side does.

Just watching "Pretty Woman" last night on Netflix, when they reached the opera scene, the music made me start sobbing.


Yes. Some music, and certain moments in movies.


You need to go on you tube and look for Jane Zhang singing "All of ME" written by John Legend.


I'm a pretty emotional guy so a number of things can touch my buttons like a particular song or a beautiful picture or video or a natural beauty sight or loving creatures and people or... Well, you get the idea. These things touch my emotions in a manner that makes me feel grateful or humble.


Music mostly .. sometimes naure


Certain types of music, a few quotes, and a few other things can have my goatee soaked in tears.


Yes very much so. Goosebumps, chills, lump in throat, tears, all of it.


That happened to me twice on holidays! Once at the Art Institute of Chicago when I walked into the Impressionism exhibit, and at a performance of the San Francisco Gay Men's Chorus. They had just walked on stage, hadn't even started singing yet!

Yeah..I cried from the pure beauty of a Welsh men's chorus even when they were singing nasty nonsense lyrics (when translated) as part of stand-up comedy routine.


On more than a couple of occasions I've cried over nice standard old school dobermans at a show after having been subjected to seeing endless reams of neo mutant monsters. Like an oasis in a sea of derp, one or two come out with angels singing behind them. Probably sounds silly to 99.9999 people on here but it's a big deal to me. My type is going extinct. 😟


Yes! Opera makes me cry all the time. Also beautiful works of art and some other types of music. But honestly nothing else moves me like opera. I’m a huge fan and also studied it.

Shahi Level 4 Apr 13, 2018

Some music gives goose bumps and there is an occasional movie I may get a little watery eyed.


Les Misérables, every time.


As I grow older I do find that certain things effect me emotionally. I'm not sure if it'd depression or just a soft side of me.


I just watched Beautiful Woman on Netflix and when they were at the opera scene in the movie, I started crying from the beauty of the music, which is what inspired me to post this.

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