The only time I notice that non-rich people are able to speak directly to the masses about politics without the filter of rich pundits is on the C-Span program Washington Journal. Unfortunately, whenever I do watch the program it seems like almost all of the callers that they let on the air are old people that seem to be not very bright or educated, so they are probably not representative (or maybe they are?) of the larger population. Either way, they do not present a very positive image of the average citizen. The show is on early in the morning, which may explain why the callers are mostly older people.
I'd imagine the audience of that program is mostly older folks as well.
Perhaps, but one would hope that the average intelligent is capable of seeing through this subtrefuge.
Lol if it did, we wouldn't be in the mess we're in now, would we? The reliance on "intellect" as a cure all nicely ignores the fact that people are emotionally ruled beings - just look at the variance in political stances/opinions held amongst intelligent people.
@t1nick as an intelligent species we should embrace learning how our emotions affect how we perceive and react to the world - it is, after all, what the targeted media companies and advertisers do and everyone, no matter how intelligent they are or claim to be, has emotions that help guide and interpret the world along with thier intellect.
The appeal to emotions - in the current climate the expression of victomhood by the entitled - needs to be understood to be effectively combated. That a self proclaimed billionaire can play the victim card time and time again and have people swallow it isn't something magical to Trumps MO, its an inherent feature of our species. We need to understand how it works and varies among individuals to better avoid this in the future.