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Taken from a 1940's Justice Society Of America comic before "Under God" was added to the pledge.

CaroleKay 8 Apr 13

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Its takes a couple of times for me to be able to recite this smoothly. I was programmed with the other version. The ubiquitous indoctrination of religion into my daily life is thankfully unraveling.


Conservatives heads explode with this one.


has a better ring to it


The old "Under God" retrofit to The Pledge discussion. It's a bit funny that the party that swears by sticking to the obsolete 2nd amendment wording, because it's what our founding fathers originally wrote into the constitution are the same group of "conservatives" that are fine with tweaking the original version of The Pledge of Allegiance. Selective acceptance of change - how very convenient! :😕laps palm to forehead:: Great pic, btw - as it should be!


'In Gawd We Trust' has only been on our -paper- currency since 1957, coinage since 1864. President Eisenhower was behind the push to add both 'Under Gawd' to the pledge and 'In Gawd We Trust' to paper currency. Why this isn't considered a merging of church and state is beyond me.

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