Your dream career if money wasn't an issue.
Creating props, costumes, etc for film, TV, or stage.
I think the idea of a career is inherently tied to money, or more basically survival. The idea that you have to pick one thing to do and do it for your entire life is rooted in the equivalency of wealth and success. Career changes happen either because you picked wrong or because you have failed to find success.
I consider myself a jack-of-all/master-of-none. I find that this doesn’t conform to society’s standards of career-mindedness. If money wasn’t a concern, my “career” would be traveling seeking out great craftsmen (and women of course), thinkers, artists, creators, leaders, and innovators, just absorbing. I would learn languages and immerse myself in different cultures. I would learn as much as I could, teach as much as possible, create when inspired, and help when able.
I think maybe Gene Roddenberry ruined me...
Computer engineering. I'm going to college for that.
Helping elephants for just a roof over my head and food in my belly but it's my health that's the issue.
Fortunately for me ... the one I already have (software architect / developer). Just don't see how to improve on it in any real-world way. I'd have to be paid large sums per year for doing nothing in order to top it, really, and then it would be less interesting so I'm not sure that's a good trade-off.
Nothing. I define success as not working, and I want to live like a king
on second! good on ya! that's a secret heart desire of mine, too. get yourself a mr. sample? maybe i should,
If money wasn’t an issue, I don’t think I’d chose to have any kind of career. Feeling like I’m compelled to do a thing can take some joy out of it. I wouldn’t want to ruin the things I enjoy doing by making money doing them. I suppose if I was an abstract artist of sorts, making whatever I feel like and selling them for ridiculous monies... that could still be fun. No commissions though.
Retired, career is irrelevant if I am retired. But many will have a career in mind as an answer.