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This weekend Lindsay Graham said that now that the impeachment is over, they need to get on with the business of rebuilding the republican party around Trump. If Graham really believes that he is one totally morally bankrupt damned fool. That would mean both trouble for our country and the demise of the Republican party.

wordywalt 9 Feb 14

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prison for Donnie is a solution but he has replacements waiting in the wings
we have to persue the hate groups like kkk proud boys and boogaloo boys skinheads make them terrorist groups again keep a foot on their necks


I would love to see the Republicon crime syndicate take trump as their lord and savior.


After the truly psychotic way he turned on Pence, and they are still delusional....


Might be faster if they just tied a cement block around their waists and jumped into deep water.

If they don’t throw themselves away, Donny will when they stop worshipping him.

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