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Woman Explains the Difference Between How Men and Women View Friendship After Seeing a Humorous Definition for “Friend-zone”


This woman had an interesting rebuttal. Facebook comments were all over the place — including some folks saying men and women can’t really be friends. What say you?

Apunzelle 7 Feb 26

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Yup but FWB welcome always a chance to find someone very special and love


At this point in my life I'm going to be "just friends" with any man for a significant amount of time, whether I find them sexually attractive or not, before becoming intimate. If the friendship doesn't blossom into something more substantial, or if the man is too impatient to wait to see if that happens before getting some sex, then he's not The Guy.

Deb57 Level 8 Mar 5, 2021

when she says that it means

stick around and validate me and maybe one day after im done riding the c o kk carousel ill let u buy me stuff and maybe a few free dins and u can keep wasting ur time in hopes of a little p sleeve

all woman have many orbiters

this is fact!


I have had women friends all my life. I regularly have lunch with a woman i have known for 25 years.

I have worked with women, musical groups, dance groups, visual artists,... forever.

Do i think about their tits? DUH!

Do they think about my dick? How could they not? They are as human as i am.

But i refuse to risk what they have and are adding to my life.

How can that not be how a good man behaves?


Humorous article, but not particularly instructive. Men and women have completely different experiences in regard to this social activity.

For men it's an active process. Men have to express our intent, which we do by saying things like "are you seeing anyone" or "I'd like to get to know you". We try to come up with new approachs but that's pretty much useless.

For women it's a passive process. Women go through life anticipating these approaches from men. Their role is limited to providing a response, and it's understandable that they would adopt a "form letter" response. Sometimes women think that they are sending a subtle message of affirmation, but those messages are so coated and cloaked that most men can't interpret them.

As a result, women our conditioned to believe that their attention is valuable, and men are conditioned to believe that their attention has no value.

If men had the experience of being approached from time-to-time I believe it would change the dynamic significantly. Men would have to adapt to a new experience: unwanted attention; and women would have to adapt to a whole new palette of emotions, including rejection.


Good friends are not using friends!!!


Depends on where a woman is in her life. For me at this time its: "Let's just be friends while I enjoy being my own boss for once in my life and doing as I please, whenever I please, and if my feelings for you change and I would like something more, I'll let you know at that time."

During the recent 10 years I was single, but honoring my part in a casual but emotionally abusive relationship, it would be: "Let's just be friends, because I don't want the drama of fierce jealousy and vindictiveness from my current bad relationship and I don't know a way out of it at this time. If I thought you and I might have a spectacular future together worth all the that pain on my end, I'd still be wary of pursuing anything for at least 5 years after the end of my current casual relationship. My emotional health (thank goodness not physical safety) depends on you leaving me alone, so please do and I'll let you know if my circumstances change to where I would welcome your attention."

So, before anyone gives anyone a hard time for putting them in the friends zone or asking for zero interaction, please consider that a person's emotional health or physical safety might be a real concern, so honor the request. S/he may have a very controlling partner who prefers that the relationship remain out of the public eye and it may take some time before an escape is successful.

Of course, not all situations where a woman says "friends only please" is that bleak, but I do hope that boundaries are honored.

Sorry you had to endure that. Just know that not all relationships are abusive.

@BitFlipper Oh, I know there are good relationships out there - and good men - just saying that when someone says "friends only please" they might have reasons they can't explain, so honor the request. Some people get a bit flip about it, and want to give women a hard time.

Sometimes things are complicated. It takes time to feel free after a controlling relationship. I know there are good relationships because I see it every day. I just made bad personal choices and I'm sure I'm not the only person who has done so.

I'm currently happy to be on my own, but haven't given up hope that when the time is right there might be someone out there for me. If not, I know I'm capable of enjoying life perfectly well without a partner. 🙂

@Julie808 well worded. I am at the point in my life where friendship matters far more than sex, and I'm certainly not interested in sex with someone when I'm not even sure we'd be friends. The men I have met since becoming single have expressed that they don't have the patience to do the friendship thing before the sex thing. This tells me that I could be anybody or even just a bag of meat, as long as I am willing to accommodate them, which takes them off the table for even casual friendship. I'm done being a random carcass.

@Deb57 Exactly! I currently have a handful of friends, men and women, for the first time in my life because I didn't have the freedom or opportunity to have friends before, with the jealousy in my prior situation. I'm enjoying my life finally and you make a good point of hesitating to get involved intimately with someone I wouldn't want to have as a friend. I'm still formulating how to articulate to others why I'm not interested in a relationship right now, and have actually been glad for covid only in the way that it helps to justify keeping new friends at arms length.


And you'll do it too, hoping for an opening.


Of course men and women can be friends.


"Let's just be friends" means I don't want to hurt your feelings, but I'm just not that into you. Occasionally it means I'm taken, but I think you're pretty nice.


So that's my problem.

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