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Anybody want to guess what "athetits" are? 😀

And these people vote. Sheesh!

Leelu 7 Mar 10

Enjoy being online again!

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How cruel and elitist of you to pick on this person's spelling and ignore the deeply compassionate sentiment. I marvel at the decision to change colors for the middle line; I never would have thought of that, but it really brings the whole message together perfectly.


Tits that don't believe in god?

lerlo Level 8 Mar 10, 2021

I hope you are NOT suggesting spelling/IQ tests to qualify for voting ! 😛

No but I am suggestion some tits are more atheist than others. 😀


Snobbishness! That's what it is called and I have seen it repeatedly on this site. Making fun of people's spelling and education.

They have conveyed the message, spelling is not important. Education is not more important than being good human beings. There are good and bad human beings on both sides and spelling is in no way of its measurement.

I have always ended up working everywhere under people less educated than I, I have seen very competent people in my career and life who were good at so many things in real life which they never teach in school. Smartness, savvy, wisdom is I admire. Education? Helpful in some ways but not important enough to glorify. We placed too much faith in classroom education and that is why we have student debt that graduates cannot pay off and that cannot get jobs. That's a failure of what we glorify.

Oh please... get a grip or in your case a gripe. I can make fun of a funny word if I want. My doing do so didn't hurt them one bit. We ALL mistype or even misspell words, sometimes funny and sometimes embarrassing. Get over it.


No, I cannot get over it. You should not go there in the first place. What gives you the right to call them out just for misspelling and insinuate they are unqualified to vote? Do you know why we don't say the 'N' word? Because it is very insensitive and lacks empathy. You don't need to have social awareness and correctness to do things in life. You should have your own rules about how to conduct. It is just a damn poster and they are making a statement. That's all. They are not submitting work for an English class. Try to get the meaning, argue on the message but don't belittle people over non-issues. There could be a thousand reasons why the guy who made the poster did not study properly, maybe his family was poor, maybe he grew up ghettos, maybe he was in incarcerated or maybe he is not aware that spelling matters in small hand-held sign and there are snobbish people in the world who would make fund of his spelling.

This is not the place to point out misspellings. This is not a classroom. This is social media. Spelling does 'not' matter. You dismissing what you did is another example of how you lack empathy.

@St-Sinner That's right, live by your own words and don't belittle people over non-issues.


Lack belief in the existence of tits?

Word Level 8 Mar 10, 2021

Oh that is so my screen name from now on "Brititish Athetit fan"

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