I went to the government page and filled in the questions and I think I might be able to get one about this time next year. Thankfully the Union is pushing for teachers to be given priority as we work with children who are not good at hygiene. Myself and my aide both fell foul when one student came in with a runny nose and although we steered clear of him and had him washing his hands frequently we both fell ill within days of each other with the same symptoms as him.
Dang! Sorry about that. I really wish there was a better distribution system.
@Heidi68 As I am in the NT in Australia my personal risk is super low, we never had any community transmission as they shut the borders and enforced quarantines for those who needed to come for work. We have Australia's state of the art gold medal quarantine station here (no one working there has ever tested positive) I am prepared to wait as others need the protection more than I do.
Probably be another month or two for me to wait. I qualify for the next group in line, but my county has a vaccine shortage right now and they haven't even finished the group that is ahead of me.
We had extras - I got lucky & got an extra