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Advocates for owning a gun and things like open carry without restriction seem to think guns are part of the American psyche based on their historical use. This always seemed comical to me since my Daddy's love of the Old West exposed me to the fact that most frontier towns made you check your guns when you entered. My daddy's love to hunt and had several guns but he also was his own bouncer and his nightclub. Many a time I've heard him say only cowards carry a gun.

Then there is that pesky second amendment that says we need a well-regulated militia and and advocates always try to stop any regulation whatsoever.


Lorajay 9 Mar 23

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America gun owners fear mostly the tyranny from their own Government. Yet the public has ten times the ground fire power

Which is super ridiculous because how many of them have something that can stop a tank or a drone?

Killing people is ridiculous. On the contrary US military would not stand a chance against their own people for several reasons. The flying Dragon cannot defeat the local snake, China has the good sense to stay out of major wars.

American public are far greater at killing themselves than the US military can kill anywhere. Even when the US military is the largest corporations in the world. Only war the US military has won was the Mexican/American war, where the 6 shooter had won that war.

About 85% of kills in all wars are by fire arms. As Americans public have ten times the fire arms than their Military . Plus 300 times greater in population. The vast majority of wars are won by the group with the larger population

Murders have more kills than wars have, More Americans troop in Vietnam killed themselves at home than in battle . Then take suicides killing more than war and murder combined.of the population of American. Can't think of a greater hell on earth, than war. Killing will never stop and Americans will not learn than the covid is a biology weapon on mass destruction


Why is it that the gun free zones and cities with the heaviest gun restrictions are the ones with the most shootings then?

It's so simple because in those places it's mainly the criminals that are shooting each other.
Gun registration and real background checks won't stop that but it will stop the mentally unstable people from getting a gun and they're the ones that do the mass shootings of Innocents.

@Lorajay The mentality unstable ones and the criminals are rarely (and I mean very rarely) get their guns legally. Would you like to eliminate cars because of drunk driving deaths next???

@CourtJeste I'd like to see those statistics about how many of the mentally unstable bought their guns illegally.
Drunk drivers need to prove they are not drinking before they ever drive again and they need to do it each time they get in a car. Modern technology will eventually take care of that.

@Lorajay “before they drive again” you say? At that point, the crime has already been committed. No one can legally purchase a gun if they have committed a felony ever again, or if they have a mental illness, or if they have a restraining order.... and there are required background checks to purchase a firearm from a dealer legally in all 50 states. But you can buy alcohol and still drive or have several DUI’s on your record and still drive.
Based on your argument, gun laws are safer than car laws. You proved my point.



"Only cowards carry a gun", that has a real ring to it, thank you.

where is your supporting evidence?

@Smurfing101 from my daddy who was the toughest man in town and never carried a gun except to shoot a rabbit.
He's been dead over 40 years and I never meet someone that knew him that will not tell you he was the toughest kindest man in town. They also have a Did story about when he took a gun away from some idiot and broke their hand while doing it.
I agree not everyone had the quick reflexes and strong right hook he possessed but there were thousands of locals that did not need to carry a gun because they were smart enough to avoid situations where one might be needed to protect themselves since they knew they were not capable of doing it without a gun. Daddy also said it was easy to take a gun away from a coward because the coward was afraid to begin with and always hesitant about what to do next.

He also said the same thing about switchblades. Since he was his own bouncer in a nightclub. He had six switchblades in his top drawer that he'd taken away from people who were trying to stab him. I put them in the metal recycle when he died.

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