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Please tell me this is some kind of joke... Clinton going to discuss empowering women.... with Kamala??? PLEAAASE!

Captain_Feelgood 8 Mar 26

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Seriously, both Clintons should pull the rock over their heads. They have done quite enough for the country thank you very much.

The only person in the Clinton world who did not lie was Monica Lewinsky. I appreciate that she said... "I needed to wear presidential knee pads" while Bill was lying to the nation on national TV saying.... "I did not sleep with that woman."

The same women who supported Bill Clinton hated Donald Trump. We are family values people.


It is a stupid idea, whoever thought of this. Democrats keep doing suicidal things and we lose votes.

Dancing for Bernie for president was a shameful example. We lost House Seats because of that clown. He belongs in a retirement home and not in the Congress after 50 years in politics doing nothing at all.

Kamala Harris is an unfit VP clown and the MAGA group is going to own her ass in 2024.

Surely hope so..

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