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What’s your favorite sci-fi movie? Mine is Interstellar. I suppose it’s because I find it incredibly thought-provoking.

FreethoughtKaty 7 Apr 11

Enjoy being online again!

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I do not see many movies, but I loved Avatar more than any movie ever. Even more than The Green Mile, which had been my all-time favourite before that.


Brad Pitt should have received an Oscar for 12 Monkeys. But the Alien series had to be the best with Star Wars, & Star Trek following up. Andromeda Strain is timely.


Too many to list to be honest!!!


Probably because I'm an old-school-classic film buff, my favorite has always been The Thing From Another World, 1951 version. It's fast paced and never loses my interest. The newer sci-fi films are just too much dazzling special effects for me, and often too long - 2 to 3 hours.

Ray13 Level 8 Apr 12, 2021

I don’t like marvel movies like Xmen, Spiderman etc.. They seem like nothing but cgi and don’t have much in the way of storylines.

@FreethoughtKaty : yes, they are...and many sci-fi movies today are too noisy...makes me have to use the subtitles to understand what anyone is saying.

@FreethoughtKaty I am inclined to agree, based solely on previews and trailers, which deter me from even buying a ticket.


Blade Runner (directors cut) I love many more, but that is number one.


Hmm… I don't know whether I have a favorite. Here are some that I really like (or liked when I first saw them, though I'm aware they don't all hold up with time):

  • The Matrix: I enjoyed the blend of high-concept science fiction, intrinsic philosophy, fast-paced action, and groundbreaking visual effects.
  • District 9: The storytelling is largely through in-world media — news, interviews, etc. — which isn't unique but works really well, and the story unfolds little by little, revealing more about the situation and the treatment of the refugees as we need it, but not in a way that feels forced or spoonfed. I feel like it holds up well and shows us a lot about human nature.
  • Predestination: Intrigue and intricacy combine in this time-travel tale. I just saw this a couple of weeks ago and really enjoyed it.
  • Moon: Another good mystery that kept me guessing.
  • The Fifth Element: This movie is just so much fun. It's suspenseful, comedic, and has hip-hopera… what's not to love?
  • The Quiet Earth: Dystopian, mysterious, open-ended conclusion.
  • Logan's Run: I re-watched this one fairly recently, and the special effects and acting don't hold up well, but the story is still intriguing. It was the first movie I saw of its theme, and when I was younger I was drawn in.
  • Dr. Strangelove: Dark comedy and Peter Sellers at his finest.
  • THX-1138: In retrospect this is a rather derivative work, but well-executed and my first exposure to the genre.
  • 12 Monkeys: Trippy time travel with lots of psychological twists and turns.

I know there are others I'm forgetting, and there are some that I'm certain would be on my list but I haven't yet watched.

I liked Logan’s run from the beginning.


I don't have a favorite science fiction and that is because I love so MANY. But if I had to choose, it's "The Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer" My favorite fantasy film is the "The Dark Crystal."


I enjoyed “Contact” but I also read the book back when it was published. Jody Fosters performance was so good I felt an urge to go dig up Reagan and shoot his corpse for her.

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