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I had the great misfortune to meet in person for the first time a real life anti-vaxxer, so against it that she won't even vaccinate her pets. After her rant, I asked her how she distinguished what was true from what wasn't to which she responded "I don't know". I asked her how she felt about potentially killing people by spreading the virus and she replied that she took her temperature every morning. I asked her if she knew that the experts handling the virus and the vaccine had spent their lives learning about how such emergencies are best handled by communities. She said like her father before her, the gubmint was not going to tell her what to do.

When she finished doing a shitty job of cleaning my house, I called her employer and said I could not risk my health to accommodate their employee's unfounded beliefs. It's funny how people who don't know shit think they know the most without ever having developed an area of expertise. I fear what we're really up against here is a sizable American demographic that is truly uneducable.

LovinLarge 8 Apr 12

Enjoy being online again!

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An unfortunate interaction.

djs64 Level 7 Apr 12, 2021

She was unable or unwilling to follow my Cleaning Checklist but the house is somewhat cleaner than when she arrived.


I once overheard a conversation between two men in a table booth next to mine in a restaurant where I was eating alone. They were arguing about whether the Moon or Mars was further away. The one that was confident the Moon was closer was convinced for all the wrong reasons.
I suppose I could have cleared it up for them, but frankly they will not remember when the question comes up again.
I assume average intelligence is lower than I expected because I’m too humble to believe I’m all that smart.
Anyway the point is it’s not worth the effort unless it might adversely affect your life to ignore it; clearly epitomized in your account.

Agreed, thanks.

Remember half the people you meet are more stupid than you, not that you are stupid. I do not know how to pose this without sounding like an idiot. Well, I guess we know where I rate.

49% of people have double digit IQs. That pretty much explains why we are where we are now and always have been on this planet.

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