Greek Orthodox Australians split over Archbishop in 'eye of the storm'
Nothing really new about it since the Greek Orthodox Church, the Catholic Church as well as, to a SLIGHTLY lesser, extent, the Anglican Church have doing this same thing for centuries.
For example, with EACH of the Crusades the Catholic Church offered up LOANS to both Minor and Greater Nobles for the purposes of raising men, arms, etc, for the Crusades BUT with the SOLE condition that those LOANS MUST be re-paid in FULL DURING the Crusades OR their lands, etc, would be forfeited to the Church.
Another of the scams they ran was that on the Death-bed of each Landowner, in the pre-Dissolution times in England, BEFORE the Lasts Rites could be administered the Landowner WAS REQUIRED to sign over at least 40% of ALL of his holdings to the Church or have his soul sent to Purgatory for Eternity.