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Manhattan to Stop Prosecuting Prostitution, Part of Nationwide Shift


UrsiMajor 8 Apr 21

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It would be nice if prostitution eventually became decriminalized here and ended up with the same system as New Zealand regarding prostitution, but I'm not optimistic. The evangelical and Catholic churches are too powerful. It still might happen in some blue states, but not nationwide.




I'm looking forward to a favorable outcome from this change.
The policy of prosecuting the prostitute instead of the John is just the opposite of prosecuting the drug user. We've long followed this policy in the United States. Misogyny can be the only reason why this has been the choice.


Sometimes I think prostitution should be an exalted profession; it'd probably be a more honest and straightforward way of organizing things.


This will make women who are sex workers safer than before.



bobwjr Level 10 Apr 21, 2021
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