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I respect human rights, does the government Or the herd mentally respect mine? I won't be taken the covid vaccine base on my business and personal experiences and knowledge. I conspire like everyone else, if someone is too disrespectful, i won't respond this time.

Travel bans, social distancing, quarantine, restrictions on gatherings, contact tracing and many other COVID-related measures adopted around the world have breached or constrained human rights. These rights include freedom of movement and association, the right to education, the right to work and the right to privacy.

I am my own best doctor and scientists as proof for a few world class achievements in my field. My most fundamental human rights are challenges by the state : the right to life and to protect my right to health. A vaccines passport to do almost anything harms my businesses, relationship, mind, emotions and overall physical heath greater than a nasty flu. In particular, pandemic restrictions have protected vulnerable members of society. The elderly face great loneliness, and die from great lack of love from family absents, faster than the covid flu. These groups will also be prioritised when the vaccine is rolled out.

The global fear and immature vaccines mutations are the greatest threat still to come

Castlepaloma 8 Apr 27

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I, for one, was thrilled to get vaccinated against covid-19. 😀


I wouldn't have taken the first smallpox vaccines. They are shipping this to billions meanwail this stuff is less than half baked.

I'd rather take my chances of jumping into a pool of crocodiles, and see what happens. Actually did that once.

@Castlepaloma wow, super impressed with your bravery 🙄


Not that brave, swimming with kids who informed me, these crocodile in Belize don't feed in the daytime.

@Castlepaloma I was being sarcastic. Super not impressed with you


What's one more less unimpressed. When I have many millions of impressed approval for what I do.

Back to your billionaires club, WWWhat they didn't accept you!!!

For some strange reason, nobody has been killed by a Belize crocodile. A bus is more likely to kill us than all the wildlife combined.

With the exception of animal diseases we catch mostly from animals.


My judgment is that you have a very narrow and skewed view of reality. Over 1/2 million Americans have died from a very contagious virus. Several vaccines are available that are 100% effective. And you don't want to take it? Just stay the hell away from me and all of my friends.

Anytime you like to compare our life achievements, your on.

You have been listening to Biden vaccines are 100% safe, not by the many warnings labels.
In the mid April spring of last year, covid deaths they are way up this year regardless of vaccines.



Prove it.


Reading this post what I primarily see is "me, me, me... me, me, me...".

Travel bans, social distancing, lockdowns... these are necessary and important means to try and control and reduce the spread of a worldwide pandemic. It's not just about YOU getting sick. It's about YOU contracting covid, maybe not even feeling particularly sick, yet spreading it to other people that WILL get sick and could very possibly die.

Essentially, its about giving a $#!+ about your fellow human beings. It's about unconvincing yourself in order to potentially save the lives of others. In times of crisis we should be willing to make a few sacrifices. It's the humane thing to do.

Obviously, you simply don't care. Why should you be inconvenienced? If you spread disease to other people and they get sick and die that's certainly not YOUR problem.

Well said

I'm a proud socialist and his attitude is the complete antithesis of socialism-all about the individual and their comfort, nothing about the collective good, much less about those who are less well off than him.

Just panic and fear lead by fauci and Gates. Gate thinks the world should be at a half billion people on earth. Good thing I'm. fearless

I respect people's differences. Even though masks are more unhealthy, yet distancing is understandable and do both anyways as minimum as possible. The source of these viruses are 70% come from animals, you can't vaccinate all of them too. Combined other diseases and viruses, its 80 times greater way to die from, than covid.

I'm for vaccines, just not these cocktail mix of vaccines rushing way too rapidly to the herd.
Well said,... by way by the herd mentality lead by fear and panic. And whatever else you are.
Because you sure don't know me.

I'm Fearless, Strong independent authentic lover of earthlings . My world is 50% me and 50% about everyone else for every exchange . Self serve, not selfish in order serve everyone a little extra, wail servicing at world-class standards.

I comfort the poor, and make billionaires feel more uncomfortable.

Ground zero US through war, decline in life expectancy
through violence and the eventual disappearance of culture and state replace by world order covid normal. From touring the former USSR. Do find US is similar to the principle of the wealthiest are like dictatorship of communists. Socialism is not tied to any specific ideology,

Personally I find politics is a waste of time, I am into power for the people. Government just take care of the small stuff and its coming after this world covid abuse.

I have yet to meet or see anyone who was expressing "panic and fear" about Covid. I've seen people show concern (as is appropriate) and take precautions.

The people showing "panic and fear" are the anti-vaxxers and people protesting and becoming violent about wearing mask mandates and shutdowns.


Good luck. Stay healthy. There are so many conspiracy theories and miss info. It's hard to sort out what is really going on, and things are changing all the time.

Once full abuse is recognized, great individual dependant will spring again. Conspire has transformed into more negative during the pandemic.

Its funny how many Gov scientist and politicains use the herd mentality to express their roll out on vaccines
Herd mentality is
Herd behavior in humans is frequently observed at times of danger and panic; for example, a fire in a building often causes herd behavior, with people often suspending their individual reasoning and fleeing together in a pack. It's that to a tee...

@Castlepaloma Are you confusing this with herd immunity?
This is a pandemic, not just flu season. It is something you never lived through before. Neither have the scientists. The rate of spread took everyone by surprise and quickly overwhelmed the health care system. The tactics taken were appropriate and not an attack on your precious rights.

@Castlepaloma To me, herd mentality is sheeple swallowing whole all the propaganda the corporate media throw at them and continuing to vote for the duopoly, as well as to believe that either of the major parties give a shit about them.


Been through worst like in 65 tropical countries, 2nd house in Belize, where masquito kill more than covid by far.

Also born in 1954

Update covid deaths
Covid per 100,000 is 19 death

Flu season
2018 14.9
2017 14.3
2016 13.5
2015 15.2
2014 15.1
2013 15.9
2012 14.4
2011 15.7
2010 15.1
2009 16.5
2008 17.6
2007 16.8
2006 18.4
2005 21
2004 20.4
2003 22.6
2002 23.2
2001 22.2
2000 23.7
1999 23.5
1998 34.6
1997 33.3
1996 32.9
1995 33.4
1990 36.8
1980 31.4
1970 41.7
1960 53.7

yep, both parties.


People are continue to gather worldwide and are catching on this maddness.

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