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Generally people that are anti vaccine are in one of two groups, those that relate to people that were used against their will for medical experimentation, and those that relate to the kind of people that would use others against their will for medical experimentation.
The first group is afraid for good reason considering their experiences, the second suffers from guilt and fear that they’ll become the victims because it’s not hard for them to consider victimizing others and they assume everyone thinks like them.
Hence all the bat shit crazy claims on Fox about non issues, like meat rationing and the muppets etc. etc. because those are the things they would do if they thought they could get away with it.
Those good with vaccination tend to be either privileged or more educated, sometimes both, even if they only acquired enough formal education to self educate. That’s a point that’s different for everyone, I’ve known people with a GED that are more educated then professional engineers as far as general education if not familiar with all the profession specific details.
Don’t fight them to hard, my Stepmom lives in Alabama, holy roller, Republican, watches Fox News, initially anti-vax. I reasoned her into getting vaccinated by talking about polio, and smallpox diseases she feared and remembers. It was harder than it sounds because any direct attempt to talk about Covid provoked her hostility.
Please do what you can to get them to think about these issues both for the sake of public health and for the sake of those you love even if they’re angry jackasses or worse.

Willow_Wisp 8 Apr 27

Enjoy being online again!

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A new report by the overpopulation project was about the pandemic and reasons people use to not be concerned.
"It showed us how fundamentally unprepared we were against the global menace despite all the technological advancement and general progress humanity has achieved. Worse, it revealed how undisciplined and even disobedient we are as citizens who are not willing to follow the benign recommendations given by authorities and experts (i.e. optional social distancing, wearing masks and respirators, and increased hygiene) [5]. [The pandemic uncovered how much we value our individual freedoms] to the extent we refuse to bear personal hardships for the common good; for example, how little we are willing to restrict ourselves in our free-time activities in solidarity with vulnerable, high-risk groups. How much we wish to think we are in the age of reason, while we believe everything from the irrational to the mendacious – myths, prejudice and fake news. How in a pursuit for never-ending economic growth and financial profit, we are willing to risk the lives and health of ourselves and others, such as our employers and employees."
The brackets are my addition to highlight another reason many refuse vaccinations.


Excellent points, well reasoned and succinct. I have used the polio and small pox examples.


It all a culling gesture by the wealthy and their corporations to enhance their power by their bought and sold obstructionist republican fascists to gain dominion over us at any cost!!!


You forgot the other two main groups; batshit crazy and dumb as f#ck. 😅😅


The Murdoch media network has a lot to answer to.

Mvtt Level 7 Apr 28, 2021

I beg to differ with your categories, because I would say the majority of current antivaxers are ostly retrograde imbeciles.

Or republicans, no wait, that’s redundant....


I've always felt that making good decisions is within the reach of everyone. If you don't understand something you use your common sense to separate facts from bullshit. I don't have any sympathy for anti-vaxers.


Alabama thanks you!

skado Level 9 Apr 28, 2021

I find that the anti-vax people don't fall into either one of those camps. They actually think that the vaccine gives you the disease OR that your reaction will make you sick and if you're going to get sick anyway why do it intentionally.

lerlo Level 8 Apr 27, 2021

Silly rabbit, they just don’t want one of those Bill Gates chips in their arm....

@Canndue well of course there's always that

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