Monday, May 10, 2021
consider - contemplate - analyze & examine -
discern & ascertain - decide & determine -
the very Nature of that which is U being -
U & I - can - NOT EXIST - in the absence of - ENERGY -
The Earth - can - NOT EXIST - in the absence of - ENERGY -
Our Galaxy - would - NOT EXIST - in the absence of - ENERGY -
The Universe - can - NOT EXIST in the absence of - ENERGY -
Nothing & NO thing - can EXIST in the absence of - ENERGY -
U R a - BEING of ENERGY - composed & comprised - there-of -
manifesting - inhabiting animating - directing & controlling -
a physical - biologic - electro chemical - human animal -
body of {matter mass liquid & gas} - being a Person -
thru a temporal & corporeal - terrestrial Life form -
U percieve your Self to be a - Person -
in as thru a Field of Energy - as - One Self -
expressing & experiencing the - Will & Intent -
Desires & Choices - of Ones - {Body Mind Spirit} -
Personifying a tellurian & sublunary - form of Life -
an Eternal Spirit being a finite Life form - as a human -
confute - dispute or deny - that which ye R able -
elucidate - examine & explicate - decide & determine -
what is TRUE for U - as a - Being of Life in Life as Life being -
Namaste - Eternal Soul - as ENERGY - Divinely being - a Person -
Realize - Recognize - Remember - thine Essence is -
the Quiddity of GOD as One - {Self Soul Spirit Being } -
thus Be whom so ever U desire to - KNOW thy Self AS -
for GOD is NOT Limited in as or to - whom U choose to BE -
as GOD is - ALL things & No thing - ENERGY- as LIFE being -
KWATE3L < ~ >
i wanna see this guy go 10 rounds with ayn rand. my money's on rand, in 1 and 1/2 rounds. ref calls it.
set it up - I will gladly and easily defend - ANY - aspect or part of my postulates -
it would be an enjoyable exercise of my human intellect & perhaps an opportunity -
to sharpen my mental acuity & perspicacity - let me know when & where -
I will absolve him of his nescience in the 1st 3 minutes - GOD calls it -
If we can't exist without Energy, maybe we shouldn't spend so much of it on such profound thought...
or better yet - as Energy is Unlimited & thus Eternal -
why not spend much more of it - in contemplation there-of -
thus affording One the Wisdom to overcome future adversity -
Your post raises a very, very, very important question, though:
"Quiddity" - Can I use this word in Scrabble?
And quiddage...don't forget about the best game of life...
yes - I would certainly say it is "legal" -
as it is in fact & deed a - "Proper noun" -
Why do all your posts read like they were written by a random word generator?
if in - Truth Fact & Deed - "all my posts" -
R written by a "random word generator" -
(or in others words a computer algorithm) -
please then disprove the - Validity &/or Veracity -
of the statements this "computer" is articulating -
and espousing as irrefutable & undeniable - TRUTH -
if U cannot so do - then your - point is mute -
as Wisdom does not falter to the - query of fools -
a postulate of randomly generated words - is worthless -
@KWAPELL7 Yeah, like that. You don't sound like a person speaking a normal language, you sound like a machine trying to approximate speaking in a normal language and failing miserably. Why do you express yourself in this way? Try to respond to that question in just a normal, conversational manner.
@Sgt_Spanky - is it then True that - U as well must more - concisely conform -
to the preordained & culturally authorized - manner of - "Self" expression -
for is not your moniker "Sgt.Spanky" - rather unorthodox & unconventional -
in short the answer to your question is -
I choose to express my Self in the manner way & form that suits me -
most other humans - attempt to suppress - subjugate & relegate -
not only their speech but as well their actions to conform to the norm -
I have NO interest in being another Personification of the "norm" -
if U and others R so inclined to obey the restrictions & limitations -
as concieved & established by the language & action police - so be it -
in which case U will need to change your moniker to something -
that is less offensive and/or objectionable - and more normal
let me know how that works out for U -
being - just like everybody else -
@KWAPELL7 That's probably as close to conversational as I'm going to get from you so explanation accepted. Keep in mind this stylistic weirdness will always overshadow the content of whatever you post. Here and everywhere.
Just sayin'.
@Sgt_Spanky - Thank U for such candor & open minded perception -
as to the "stylistic weirdness" -
such is and always has been - intentional -
as to it having an adverse or detrimental effect -
in the just the last week - I was invited to join & post to -
another 12 groups bringing the total to approx. 160 groups -
I have accounts with & post to over 10 platforms & as well -
I have over 5,000 friends / followers around the world -
if these results R considered negative or detrimental - so be it -
none the less - Thank U - for the constructive critique -
Namaste - Eternal Spirit of Energy - being a finite - form of Life -
Earth cannot exist?!
Start with what you know tangibly.
Get a lot less abstract.
Don’t question what’s self evident as much as the weird abstract arguments that are detrimental to your mental health.
This was ground control to Major Tom.
Namaste - GOD as ENERGY - being One Self - as in thru a - finite Life form -
@KWAPELL7 Thanks for clearing up nothing.
@Willow_Wisp U R most welcome -
@creative51 - that is a very - astute & acute -
one might even say - keenly - concise & precise -
observation - elucidation - determination & conclusion -
Namaste - Energy as Life - being a - form there-of -