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We are so upside down

whiskywoman 8 May 12

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Biblical Jesus provides the sentiment that its easier for a camel to fit through the eye of a needle than a rich man to enter Heaven. So the broken clock gets one right, so the Christians ignore it the most.

That's it. Those who are given power by society must be held to a higher, or much higher standard (Completely the opposite of what we have). Enact penalties for betrayal that include corporal punishment. That seems to be the one feature that gets the attention of wealthy psychopath republicans.

The CIA or whoever should simply 'take out' two of the top multimillionaires every year as a simple discouragement against amassing obscene wealth.

this generation is so lazy ...... where are the sharp shooters




They also can’t invest that money back into businesses creating more jobs.
It’s been tried an many other countries and one has yet to succeed.
By contrast; Trump lowered the tax and in turn, we saw the absolute lowest unemployment rate in American history with absolutely no inflation. Crazy how that works.

it did work at first but it was beginning to unravel even before covid ..... he was riding the Obama wave

@whiskywoman Hahaha. The Obama wave? You mean the slowest eight year growth ever recorded in American history??? That “wave”? Really???

@CourtJester it wasn't the slowest considering the mess he inherited and the lasting affect with the do nothing next but harm admin

@whiskywoman I’d agree. Trump did an amazing job with what he walked into.

@CourtJester very funny he walked into order and brought crime and caos

@whiskywoman Hahaha.

@CourtJester <--- still pretending to be an American


I have a joke about Trickle Down Economics... but 99% of you won't get it

Leetx Level 7 May 12, 2021
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