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By Nick Anderson.

LiterateHiker 9 May 15

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Sure is

bobwjr Level 10 May 15, 2021

That tiger isn't just in Texas.


Exactly. Republicans has filed over 350 voter suppression laws in numerous states to stop black and brown American citizens from voting.

Vote Republicans out of office!

@LiterateHiker I wish someone would ask them what they are afraid of. Then show proof of voter fraud.


Rethug-licans are trying to block Democrats from voting.

Minorities largely vote for Democrats.

@LiterateHiker I understand all that but I want to know why they are not being called out about it. It's so obvious what they are doing.. I would think that it is illegal. I know they are being challenged but it doesn't seem to be doing any good... the silly Republicans will just start talking about cancel culture, meanwhile they want to cancel out anyone that does not agree with them. Sorry, I guess I am just going on a rant.

@LiterateHiker A former GOP speechwriter thinks they might be making a mistake, We can only hope:

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