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Jesus: You have free will, love me or go to hell.

jcarlos 3 May 16

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Created sick, commanded to be sound.


Wrong attribution. That was written by a man.


Don't the meek inherit the earth?

Yes, but who inherits Heaven?

@anglophone our concept of heaven came from cult of sol “Elysian fields” i guess? The Bible makes it pretty plain that “heaven” is no one’s final resting place though

@anglophone I guess the faithfools inherit heaven. So the slaves can worship their god.

It's not the earth the meek inherit, it's the dirt.

Matthew 5:5 Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.


I create you sick, and command you to be well!
Also don’t worship those other guys or you’ll burn.

Mvtt Level 7 May 16, 2021

hey, go with that, for as long as you like!
doesn’t make it true though 🙂


That's some rough marketing for you!


Jesus, I have a plan for you: Love me as your Godfather created me or go to Hell!


He has a plan just for you.

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