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This sounds stupid to me, more proof, if any was needed, that all the modern GOP has to offer is fear mongering, fake victim hood, and partisanship. Five more counties join effort to give parts of Oregon and California to Idaho: []

Druvius 8 May 20

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Idaho give me a break, at least Washington is interesting

bobwjr Level 10 May 20, 2021

They almost broke California into two states around 1940, it was a big thing, but the day they would have voted on it in Congress was Sunday Dec 8th 1941. Fortunately or unfortunately Congress was a bit distracted on the day after Pearl Harbor and it was dropped until 1965 when it failed for other reasons.
It's a long list of failure and confusion as most things political are.


Idiot Republicans in Eastern Washington have been foaming at the mouth to secede for over 40 years. They hate how liberal Seattle-area's huge population swings Washington State Democrat.

Conservative Republicans want to join Idaho and form a new state called Liberty. Lobotomy is more like it.

I loved Ron Judd's April Fool's Day column in the Seattle Times years ago:

"To Wenatchee, WA- Denizens of the channeled scablands: We build your roads, schools, universities, parks, hospitals and clinics, and what do we get in return? Endless carping about the clam digging schedule on Puget Sound beaches and the Lentil Festival of Ferry County. You want to secede? Go right ahead. We won't miss you."

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