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Loved "Mr. Fred Rogers" Please add any other memes/info you have on this dear man.

Robecology 9 June 5

Enjoy being online again!

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That's very hard to imagine because the world is filled with so much cruelty, selfishness, and greed.


Typical INFP, as an INFP I feel the same but I get punished for it by life every single day.

Punished, I look at it differently. If someone tells me something that is not correct about myself, I assume they are telling me something about them. It is like listening to Trump, everything he says tells us something about him personally. He knows nothing of anyone else.
If one wants to insult me they have to go through a process. First, they have to get my attention. Next, they have to wait for me to care, and then, they have to wait for me to listen, which I am usually too uninterested to do. In short, they have to take themselves as seriously as I do not.

@dalefvictor My comment was about having to live in a world with a shortage of empathy and when I see people suffer that are beyond my ability to help I suffer.

I hesitated here; I wasn't aware of what in INFP was. Now I know.


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