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Believing in an invisible man in the sky does not make it real. God is the biggest Fake News ever ConCocted by humanity.

Tourirst 7 June 5

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nature is truth




invisible man in the sky, lol. shoulda seen what ppl were doing before then!
anyway, that makes you an atheist, right? So why are you here, may i ask


" fake news".... turning this trumpite fundimentalist catch phrase directly back on them as a contravailing neutralizer for the shop worn "good news" folk reference to the gospels. sir, this is brilliant. i hope this coinage befomes commonplace in our efforts to halt the cancer of religion's mind control.......GOOD WORK !


Oh, you left out a bunch of stuff. He's not just invisible, he's magical, and all-powerful, and all-knowing, and omnipresent, and infallible, and just perfect in every way. Still, the most amazing thing about him is the ease with which he conned billions of ppl to believe all this bullshit.




No amount of belief translates into reality or truth.


Facts 💯


God and religion was created by humans, to control humans.


I love that your typo still makes sense.


No shit, Sherlock!

bnrilliant! you always come up with the most original and witty replies. what a mind !!! how do you do it ! ??

@holdenc98 learn to spell first and then I will tell you.

@Mofo1953 ..............check your keyboard. n is next to b. when that happens its called a key proximity typo. T Y P O . now you say it. TY ... PO! GOOD. can you remember that?

@holdenc98 i can remember clearly that you are a major asshole who thinks he's always right, when in reality you are just an annoying little cocksucking bitch troll.


I agree....but sometimes things happen and you wish there was a god that could help you out.....

Things have happened since the beginning of time, but there is and never has been something to hold your hand.

@Healthydoc70 True still....

No, I certainly don't.

Needing your hand held is juvenile and lazy. Most of u$A is well described by those two words and explains why we cling to such a stupid idea.


It is the perfect scam.

Imagine if you wanted to trick someone into doing something. You'd tell them if they did it, they would receive immortality. You'd tell them you couldn't prove it to them now, but if they just did what you wanted now, when they died they would live forever in paradise with their loved ones. All they had to do was trust what you said and they would live happily ever after no matter their conduct.

Hard to believe that so many dupes fall for a scam absent any supporting evidence.

I always like to think of it as being like a car dealer. Who sells cars, that will only be delivered to your old house, after you have moved perminantly to live and work in another county. Who would buy one of those ?


much like the significance of humanity.


It is a good thing that "belief " does make things real. I am glad we didn't have to deal with pasta sauce raining from the sky when illogical atheist gives sarcasm worship to the non-existent flying spaghetti monster sky God.

Word Level 8 June 5, 2021

Inviable indeed

Mvtt Level 7 June 5, 2021

You got that right. The Jesus story is the greatest fiction ever told.

Illogical atheist Richard Dawkin's mind virus organism gives very good understanding of a "meme" organism to understand how Jesus character evolved into a person.

Really?!? I don’t think it’s even that good of a story. Lots better stuff to be found in world fiction and mythology.

@The-Krzyz It's the greatest fiction ever told because it tricked the most people.

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