HIs account is probably over run by people accusing him of ghosting them.
If it were an online memorial, there would be a big turnout.
I haven't figured out how I am supposed to post the announcement.
Hire a website developer, some of whom fix computers mostly. (I know one) A big website isn't needed, and it probably wouldn't be as expensive as a funeral.
@AnonySchmoose It is easy to post stuff on Facebook, a bit hard to do any long term planning when you are dead.
How's that? With one's will, one can plan one's own memorial while alive.
@AnonySchmoose I forgot that anyone can post on my Facebook page and tag me. I was thinking they wouldn't have my password...of course they don't need it...But it doesn't matter, I plan to be immortal...It's working so far.
Wow... I plan to be immortal too.