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The God Fraud is greatest fairytale ever told. I would believe the earth is a triangle before I'd buy into it. If there is a God "He" is more like Satan on the best of days.

Tourirst 7 June 28

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Gaaawd has been on a genocidal killing spree since his inception, Satan has exactly one on the chalkboard..


There is a new field of study called "Existential Risk Analysis" [] In a previous article in the Humanist magazine this was highlighted but expanded to life in the universe. It was found religion is a universal concept and it is believed many higher 'intelligent' life forms became extinct due to the destructive power of religion.


Nope, the god of every religious book on the planet is simply everyman and he's intent on seizing power over everywoman. And every other man.


Earth is not a triangle?

over ur giant head eh'

@HeAdAkE Well it is news. I thought everyone knew the Earth was a triangle.


The only Hell on earth; is the Hell that evil greedy people create. We could feed all of humanity and have 100% clean water and air for all and we don't. All working together for the same just cause for humanity but the world is full of stupid and Trump like idiots. And lots of evil people. It will be stupid that does the most damage to people with smarts. Dummies die faster and drag us down with them. The rotten apples that spoils the whole barrel for all.

I find the idea of 'evil' and 'greed' simplistic. People are all capable of doing bad things and greed is a part of our chemistry. Branding others as bad and oneself as good only makes problems worse. People always have reasons for doing what they do and sometimes those reasons are based on things like circumstances. One question is, feed and provide ample resources for 100% of how many humans? The present 7.8 billion? It has been shown to provide for an increase of 2 billion we would need 50% more resources. Also, how are people fed; with a diet rich in meat or strictly plant-based. Unfortunately, the world is much more complicated than many make it out to be.


If you look at the creation story a certain way, Satan is actually the hero of the whole thing.

Kind of like Joker as the hero, rather than Batman

Right. In The Garden three promises are made. Only that of the serpent's happened.


When kings needed to rule their subjects, fairytales became useful.

Where a king needs to have their back to the wall, as do the preachers.

The similarities are uncanny.

Mvtt Level 7 June 28, 2021

Yes, yes it is. 🤔 And it's actually shaped more like a dodecahedron. 🤔🤣

I was thinking that too or a square. But I do know one thing it is NOT round only an idiot would think that? Oh, wait a second...


ha now youre getting it, yes 🙂
fwiw that can all be extracted from the Bible too
the empty room for a holy-of-holies, the I create evil from Yah, etc

stop talking in codes like the book does

@HeAdAkE sorry, the Hebrews had a temple, and the temple was divided into outer and inner courts, and the inner court had a “holy” and a “holy-of-holy” room, the ark was in the second one, a priest only went in there once a year, supposedly where Yah resided, but unlike the cult of sol and the other pagan religions, it was empty; leading the Romans to deem them “atheists”

And the words in italics are a Quote from Yah, ostensibly, I can dig it up if you searches, first hit

@bbyrd009 how old are u?

the reason i ask is because im sure u gave up the santa story, it may be time to stop cherry picking the bible

@HeAdAkE ah well you’d hafta demonstrate the cherry picking for me to get you, sorry. You might be right 🙂


i watched a channel on youtube from a guy exploring the words in the bible. he did an exceptional job at asking all the important questions and citing all of the material. his work was very interesting because of his personality and tones and condescention etc

after studying in great detail for more than a year, he concluded that the god of the bible was actually satan

felt like it was an appropriate comment to leave here

"Rage Of Reason" is the channel if anybody is curious, i def recommend it even if he isnt all that popular

lotta ppl assume “Satan=evil” now, but it really only means “opposer” i guess

might be a good analogy for like yin-yang, or essential tension?
ha whoa search that one

“ after studying in great detail for more than a year, he concluded that the god of the bible was actually satan”
is a fail for me though, as we even admit to ourselves that it is us who is Satan if anything?

@bbyrd009 Yahweh is a story byrd

jesus is just an updated version of the fable

@HeAdAkE hey, im not disagreeing, but that doesn’t mean that there is no truth in mythology; in fact it still seems to be the vehicle for the deepest truths. We even speak that way to reinforce a point; we employ some idiom or other to illustrate it?

@bbyrd009 i disagree with ur assertion

@HeAdAkE which one

@bbyrd009 the in fact part

@HeAdAkE ah well i have to agree lol
vehicle then
facts are easy; overcoming the ego is hard


Depending on what source you look at, Satan was a God. Satan was like a prosecuting attorney in the realm of Gods ruling over mankind.


Word Level 8 June 28, 2021

hmm. opposing is not yielding or forgiving, so i dunno
Yah yields (Listen to them, and give them a king) and forgives
anti-God maybe?
plus “Satan” is supposedly doomed, right

@bbyrd009 i like talkin at ya and with ya but ur words twist me up a bit at times

and if i say it then i mean it

i can't follow ur nonsense

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