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A huge surge of a deadly pandemic among dumb, fact-denying Republicans? Wait, I thought the headline said something about a tragedy...

America's next Covid tragedy may follow partisan lines

ChestRockfield 8 July 7

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Too bad, sooooo sad. And WTF is taking so long??????


Yeah. I don't understand all the liberal pain and deep concern for the health of people who want us dead. My hope is that they die first, quite frankly, and they are actually bringing that upon themselves. In my book that's a plus.


I think the bigger tragedy will be of how businesses, individuals and even governments will not be able to handle the re-engineering of the US and world economy. Some careers, jobs, sectors will vanish, diminish. payrolls will break, gig economy will grow, taxation will have to redone, It has already started but that is what the next Tsunami is. Many in the young generation today who are hoping have a career in a field will find out that the opportunities have substantially changed. Universities are struggling with sharp declines in tuition revenues.

Virus will come and go and will write chapters of history but many casualties of this pandemic will not even get a page in history.


The sad part is the liars and propaganda generators ARE getting vaccinated.
Even orange Hitler got vaccinated, but talk to a Trump anti-vaxxer and they'll call you a liar or at least the ones in my family do. Trump mumbled a confirmation on getting the vaccine only once that I'm aware of and that was under direct questioning by a reporter that Trump called "Fake News" which in my mind isn't nearly as bad as a "Fake President" but in any case who's dying?
It's the gullible religious types with a confederate rebels distrust of government and a deep seated hatred of academics or really about anyone that isn't whatever they consider "normal", for some "normal" is being a Harley Biker with patches and long hair, for others it's wearing flannel shirts and ball cap while chewing a blade of grass or whatever they chew on, then for others it's a Holy Roller congregation, whatever dumb shit sub culture they're from they may think it's "cool" and "rebellious" because it was out of favor with the bulk of "normals" back in the 50's or 60's.
They would prefer death to losing an argument with a Communist, which is what they call anyone they detest for not being a kind of "normal" that they can relate to. If they're trying to be a bit creative they may call ALL the people they detest BML, or Antifa, or Socialist instead of Communist, the only consistent thing about which word they use is that they don't know what any of them mean because those words were wrongly defined for them by their leaders like Trump and the GOP House and Senate, you know, the guys that got vaccinated.
The GOP is willing to kill off their base just so long as it hurts a liberals feelings.
I find that hugely ironic and were it not for their enthusiastic embrace of tragedy I'd think it was funny.
It saddens me that people will die just in an attempt to prove me and others that think like me wrong.
WTF is wrong with these people, and at least three of them are members of my family, only one of them will have a civilized conversation without them attempting to challenge (hurt?) me over some trivial political propaganda, the one I talk with is my 79 year old Step Mother, the other two are brothers. I love them all but that means nothing to them, better to accuse Obama of being the anti-Christ and speculate on how many missing children aren't reported so Tom Hanks and Hillary Clinton can drain their blood and eat them.... seriously there's a reason that religion and religion disguised as politics are communicable mental illness.

The cure is information and the best test to see if someone is in a political cult is to talk about sources, anything from academia, CNN, MSNBC, The New York Times, Snopes, Wikipedia, Scientific American, the CDC, NOAA, The damned Weather channel even....

Everything that isn't Q (which is in hiding), Fox News, OAN, or the Bible is all FAKE NEWS, and even these trusted sources arent always right!!! Especially after they watch a Chris Wallace interview.

I call my step Mother every week, and gently try to convince her to get vaccinated, but it's such a touchy subject that it requires time patience and love to get through, I have managed to reach her in the past over wearing a mask, and that wasn't easy and required three months last year. At one point she agreed to get vaccinated, but then my brothers told her about the tracking devices in the vaccine.

Having MAGA family members is like having your family all come down with cancer at once, they're going to die and I doubt I can love them out of it because they worship ignorance and anger because we live in a country where everyone has lost trust due to lack of opportunity, they blame race and liberals and universities. I blame ignorance and Conservatism but blaming hasn't accomplished one damned thing.

I mean, I'm still fine with them dying off. We need reduced numbers to compete with their increased cheating in elections...
Thank you for such a great response.

@linxminx I know her to well for that, not a chance she'll comply unless it's completely convenient, if she complies at all. The vaccines are free, but someone would have to drive up to their house and perhaps bribe them... I bet $20 would do it.

@linxminx They went way beyond "pretty" hypothetical a long time ago. They are hyper hypocritical.

"I find that hugely ironic and were it not for their enthusiastic embrace of tragedy I'd think it was funny."

They are my enemy in exactly the same way Southern Confederates were the enemy of Northern Unionists. Given the okay it is likely they will kill any one of us in our sleep. As I watch history videos of lost empires (which I often post) I'm reminded of just how blood thirsty EVERY civilization has been since the dawn of man so this no longer surprises me. We are just not the great species we like to think of ourselves as being. Oh well. No sense in pretending otherwise and that's why I find it hugely moronic (therefore funny) instead of ironic.

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