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My worldview (like if you agree):

  1. There is very little hard evidence that a God exists,
  2. If he does exist, he's a fucking psychopath as evidenced by the enormous amount of suffering he allows to occur,
  3. Christians are loathsome little turds who make their kids homeless when they come out as gay,
  4. Join the winning team! There have been so many intelligent people who have written words of encouragement for you. A lot of really smart people are atheists/agnostics. Believers voted for Trump.
Vancan62 3 July 17

Enjoy being online again!

Welcome to the community of good people who base their values on evidence and appreciate civil discourse - the social network you will enjoy.

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  1. Are you suggesting there is hard evidence for the existence of god?
  2. The 'allowing suffering' argument holds no water. Imagine for a moment that god, because he's benevolent, decides to "pre-eliminate" the thing in the world that causes the most suffering. By default, there will be a new worst thing in the world. Had he then decided to eliminate that, the third worst thing would have been the worst, and so on. Eventually, you would get to the point where a hangnail or stubbed toe was the most horrible pain man could even imagine suffering and he'd have had to eliminate those too until there was literally nothing left.
  3. Yes, many Christians are awful, but it's not limited to Christianity or any other particular group. There are a bunch of people on this site that are loathsome as fuck (and those people probably think I am). Humans in all categories are awful piles of shit.
  4. You think we're the winning team?!?

Hello and welcome to the site. Good to state your position at the outset, although you will probably find that most members here, have had a lot of experience debating with theists and among themselves, so that they are likely to be critical of ideas which are not nuanced. So don't take any critical replies you get too much to heart, but try to make good use of them.


Jesus answered them, “Is it not written in your Law, ‘I have said you are “gods"’? John 10:34.

Have you seen yourself in a mirror lately? How much more evidence do you need to prove to yourself that you exist?

Christianity sees you as a God and wonders about the same as you do on your #2. If he does exist, he's a fucking psychopath as evidenced by the enormous amount of suffering he allows to occur.

So, you being a god, why do you allow such suffering to occur?

Word Level 8 July 17, 2021

You're nuts.

@Vancan62 atheism is still illogical.

The 2 paragraphs below are copied from link provided. I am making this comment to distinguish between proper nouns, common nows and proper names.

What I see a lot with Illogical atheist in theie illogical debates and a part of what makes the debates illogical is bouncing between "what" god is and "who" god is.

Pointing out historically that "we" as also called people, are gods. This shows what gods are, as to who, you are a what? Or, lets me rhetorically as, what are you versus, who are you? Apart of illogical atheist debates are saying that "God" is not expected to exist and meet the atheist say,"Hello, my name is God". God is not the proper name compared to calling someone Bob, because Bob is on their birth certificate. This is not to say, an all-powerful "entity" could4put "God" on a record of certificate for existence as being its name. But, it is generally looked upon as "God" is a title like president, king, mechanic, cook, etc. That indentifies "what" a "who" is.

Jesus answered them, “Is it not written in your Law, ‘I have said you are “gods"’? John 10:34

Gods exist, atheism illogical.

A distinction is normally made in current linguistics between proper nouns and proper names. By this strict distinction, because the term noun is used for a class of single words (tree, beauty), only single-word proper names are proper nouns: Peter and Africa are both proper names and proper nouns; but Peter the Great and South Africa, while they are proper names, are not proper nouns (though they could be said to function as proper noun phrases). The term common name is not much used to contrast with proper name, but some linguists have used the term for that purpose. Sometimes proper names are called simply names, but that term is often used more broadly. Words derived from proper names are sometimes called proper adjectives (or proper adverbs, and so on), but not in mainstream linguistic theory. Not every noun or a noun phrase that refers to a unique entity is a proper name. Chastity, for instance, is a common noun, even if chastity is considered a unique abstract entity.

A proper noun is a noun that identifies a single entity and is used to refer to that entity, such as London, Jupiter, Sarah, or Microsoft, as distinguished from a common noun, which is a noun that refers to a class of entities (city, planet, person, corporation) and may be used when referring to instances of a specific class (a city, another planet, these persons, our corporation).[1][2][3][4] Some proper nouns occur in plural form (optionally or exclusively), and then they refer to groups of entities considered as unique (the Hendersons, the Everglades, the Azores, the Pleiades). Proper nouns can also occur in secondary applications, for example modifying nouns (the Mozart experience; his Azores adventure), or in the role of common nouns (he's no Pavarotti; a few would-be Napoleons). The detailed definition of the term is problematic and, to an extent, governed by convention.[5][6. []


I am with @Willow_Wisp on this one.

  1. There is zero falsifiable evidence that any god exists.
  2. is predicated on a logical fallacy
  3. Why just restricted to Christians?
  4. is a massive oversimplification.
  5. Trumpy Dumpty is merely a manifestation of the willful stupidity and willful ignorance of the mentally degenerate.

There’s no hard evidence of God.
There’s bad evidence of a rhetorical nature.
So their “evidence” is apologetics and nothing more. That’s why they reject science unless it benefits them. Like hiring geologist to find oil while believing in a young Earth. They use cognitive dissidence as a super power and ignorance as a virtue.

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