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I love AOC!

Barnie2years 8 July 18

Enjoy being online again!

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As a one time Evangelical I see exactly where she is coming from and she is correct. AOC is a believer and this is the only way she could see it. This is not about her claiming how moral the bible is. She did not say that. She is talking about bigotry, racism, and white supremacy and how this dirties our view of our fellow man.


Nice speech, but like most people of faith, she is basically wrong, in that her holy texts do try to justify just about every horror and injustice known to humans, that is what makes them popular. Because her version of cherry picking and interpretation led her to believe, that the texts promote humane and just morality, it does not mean that another person who finds the texts full of hate, racism and sexism etc. is misreading them.


Equality is holy. Trying to achieve it for all people by getting it for each individual group is a waste of resources, takes too long, and can fail at a hundred different points.

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