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If a god existed, why would it matter? Or, why would it matter outside of validating superstitious behavior?

Carl Sagan on the Existence of God

racocn8 9 July 19

Enjoy being online again!

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The apparent fact that nothing real exists in that place we hold for god is of no consequence. That space is still there. Just like the number zero in our mathematical system is necessary even though it literally represents nothing. It is a necessary place-holder. There is indeed a god-shaped hole in the human psyche, and it will be filled with whatever we put there, be it love, respect, tolerance, truth, doubt, resentment, anger, bitterness, or indifference.

skado Level 9 July 20, 2021

works for me.


I searched on “What did Sagan say about Velikovsky” and found the following:

Among Velikovsky's principal Harvard critics was the young Carl Sagan, who proceeded to dissect Velikovsky's astronomical arguments with all the painstaking and humorless diligence of a Richard Nixon. Sagan was then in his early twenties; since that time, he has made his excessive critique of Velikovsky an ongoing theme in his writings.


Half a minute of that stuff was more than I wanted.


I really enjoyed this. I thought the questioner was very clear in his question, and I thought Carl Sagan was brilliant in his response. Great post.👍

SalC Level 6 July 20, 2021

Too many people want to go into a worship mode and praise a god being endlessly now and forever. That idea is so fake. If there was a god being you would not be doing this on a daily basis. It simply is not real.


Meaningless drivel, prevarication and equivocation. The closest he came to saying anything was when he said if there was no god "we'd be on our own".


I have the greatest respect for Sagan, and I agree with everything he says here, but I may not be as ready as he appears to be to dismiss the utility of social lubricants. Of course the context would dictate whether the lubricant or the hard truth would be appropriate in a given situation.

skado Level 9 July 20, 2021

I refer to "It" as Thou for just that reason.


He was a superstar.


Does belief in a god have a positive effect on people? Are they better for it?? What aspect is improved? Or....

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