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I have some important information to pass along to everyone now. After years of scientific research (me not paying attention) I have come to the amazing conclusion that in fact, believe it or not, the toaster in your kitchen........ Works better when it's plugged in!!!!!! I know! Right? It's totally amazing and a scientific break through (I finally noticed it wasn't plugged in after a few minutes of waiting) that I never would have thought possible (because I'm to tired to think straight)! I hope this information helps you all in a great way for it has enlighten me deeply. Have a great day. 🙂

KingPeep 6 Apr 18

Enjoy being online again!

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Phew...thanks so much for the info. I'm pretty sure that I would never do anything like that!!!!!!!!!


I made the saem disvoery about the coffee maker!


Step 1. Coffee
Step 2. Toaster usage
Step 3. Profit


Thanks for the tip. I have a toaster and toaster oven. Gets confusing with appliances in my house between the coffee maker, microwave and can opener. It's musical chairs with outlets lol.

Thats the problem - too many friends/significant others in the trades. Actually had a pro electrician come in and clean up their messes.


Hi my name is ric I am 49 years of age never maredy no kids looking for a girlfrend in london ohio area


I have made similar discoveries


Is awesome see we learn something new everytime

Rosh Level 7 Apr 19, 2018

That explains so much...


Just remember that improper application of electrical concepts can lead one to shocking discoveries.

And finding shocking discoveries can leave a spark of intuition toward the correct applications of electrical concepts being applied in a conductive way.

@KingPeep Now we're wired for sound!


you realise it's going to make your electric bill higher now, don't you? lol

Uh oh! We can't have that!

just a thought lol


True enlightenment is mostly about realizing you were doing it all wrong.



Very important information I’ll sleep much better now😉

Glad I could be of some help. 🙂


Hope you enjoyed your toast.

I sure did! Slap some butter and jelly on there and delicious!

@KingPeep What! No marmalade? Not even a boiled egg so you could have soldiers? You need some more research, I would say.


I need to sleep. But I have forgotten what sleep is. Can Nyone tell me please? LOL

It's what happens when you're on Facebook - but there's a dearth of it here!

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